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Swinging from the ropes, me and Jack fight off a bunch of the pirates that were invading the ships. We landed on the beam of the Black Pearl, as one of Barbossa's men came at us, I cut the rope with a sword I had taken from one of the men.

"You need to learn how to handle a sword." Jack chuckles at my almost failed attempt of saving us.

We take a rope, and swing back to the Interceptor.

Landing in front of Gibbs, he looks surprised.

"Jack, Miss Swann!" Gibbs calls.

Jack hands Gibbs his flask back.

"It's bloody empty." He tells him, before we run off to fight more of the imposter pirates.

"Where's Barbossa?" I ask Jack.

"I'm not sure. I'll handle-" He begins.

"Barbossa's mine." I tell him, swing the sword in a circle as I take off to find him.

Fighting several pirates along the way, I go to try to jump the other ship to the Black Pearl, but I see a man raise his sword to my sister. Catching his hand quickly, and giving him a powerful head bash, knocking him unconscious.

"That wasn't very gentleman like of you, sir." I tell him, and brush the hair that had fell out of place back behind my ear.

"Sister, you shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous." Bethie tells me, after hugging me.

"Bethie, I'm a woman, I can do anything a man can do, sometimes even better." I tell her, letting go of her.

"Where's the medallion?" I ask her.

"Why so you could give it to Jack?" She asks.

"Beth-" I begin.

"No, Anna, you can't do this. When we were children, maybe, but you can't fall for a pirate. They'll kill you!" She exclaims.

 "Then I'll die happy." I tell her, going to turn away, before she grabs her arm.

A Love That Flowsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن