He shifted uncomfortably though his expression was stoic, "Is that what you're worried about?"

"It's one of my worries." She said. Her eyes landed on Calista, one of her close friends. She's a muggle-born and Primrose was worried.

"Why?" He asked.

Primrose chuckled humourlessly, sounding tired, "You're not answering my question."

"I'm not obligated to answer you."

That made her laughed. Her voice sounding tired but her laughter sounded genuine and... painful at the same time.

"If that is how it's going to be then alright." She smiled at him, making him frown.

"I see that everyone is done with brewing. Now what you're going to do is, you're going to inhale it and tell us what you smell. Tom! Why don't you start first?"

Tom slowly put his nose above the brew, frowning.

Everyone was looking at him in anticipation. He sniffed slowly, "It smells floral, it's decent like mixtures of different types of flowers. Wait, parchments? A slight hint of parchments."

Slughorn nodded with a big smile, "Very good. Next, Primrose!"

She smelled the brew and her eyes widened in delight.

Almost smells like home.

"It smells like a... hospital? No! A laboratory. Then, there's something familiar... it smells metallic...like computers." Primrose said. She recognised the smell since she had been going to her father's lab.

It also smelled like S.H.I.E.L.D building.

"Thank you, Primrose. Looks like you're going after your father." Slughorn smiled knowingly. He then asked the other students to do the same. Surprisingly, Bletchley and Stretton smelled the same thing as Tom.

Stretton frowned, "Broomsticks... and... something floral. A hint of parchments..."

"It's familiar..." Bletchley sniffed the potion. Then his eyes lit up, turning his head to Primrose. Their eyes met and Primrose frowned.

"Primrose." Bletchley whispered but since the class was too quiet, the whole class heard him and started to giggle.

Primrose looked down in embarrassment, her face red and she facepalmed.

Slughorn laughed, "Well then. Does anyone have any idea what the potion is?"

Lyra raised her hand and Slughorn chose her.

"Amortentia, sir. It is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." She answered. Slughorn nodded in satisfaction, "Excellent, Miss Lycan! Now, class... what you have been smelling was the thing—or person that you desire the most. Miss Quinton, you better look out for those three."


Stretton and Bletchley looked down, both felt embarrassed.

Stretton, Bletchley and... who?

Primrose's eyes widened in shock. She turned to face Tom who was looking down.

...and Riddle.

Primrose smelled her own wrist where she sprayed her Gucci Flora on. It was the Limited Edition Gorgeous Gardenia in pink colour.

Used to be limited edition. Now it's just everywhere.

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