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Primrose were just as excited as her friends to watch the Quidditch practice right after Potions. Dahlia had not stopped teasing her about Stretton until she found it annoying.

"Dahlia, it's funny at first. It's getting boring now." Primrose said and Dahlia shrugged, "Okay, sorry."

"Now if anyone could tell me what is Polyjuice." Professor Slughorn said, very much to Primrose's liking.

I know this!

She raised her hand up, fortunately faster than Riddle that's sitting at his usual spot. Riddle glanced at her for a few seconds before he put down his hand, admitting that he's a second too late.

"Miss Quinton."

She answered, "Metamorphosis."

Then she realised everyone was looking at her with a frown, including the teacher himself. She's sure at that time, the term wasn't quite... known yet. Primrose grinned awkwardly, "I's a potion that allows someone to turn into someone else."

Slughorn nodded in approval, "Good. 5 points for Ravenclaw. But Miss Quinton, what was the word that you used again?"

"Metamorphosis?" She asked back. He nodded, "Yes, that. What is that?"

Oh no.

Primrose just smiled, almost not obvious that she's faking, "It's a term about a process. Basically it is a process of extreme and rapid physical changes."

"Where did you hear that?" He asked out of curiosity.

Ah shit.

"It's what our professor told us... back in Ilvermorny." Primrose said and Slughorn nodded, "It's a rather advanced word. Thank you, Miss Quinton! Metamorphosis..."

Primrose chuckled silently, hearing Slughorn whispered the word, as if he's practicing its pronunciation.

The class finally ended and Primrose saw that Stretton was looking at her from his seat. He nodded his head, signalling her to come with them and she nodded back while making an 'ok' sign with her hand. She noticed that Stretton tilted his head slightly to the right, meaning that he had no idea what the hand sign meant.

Primrose laughed in her head, Uncultured.

She pointed her hand that was still showing 'ok' using her other hand while mouthing an 'okay'.

Stretton nodded in acknowledgement while mouthing an 'oh'.

Primrose tapped on Dahlia shoulder, "Let's go."

Dahlia nodded, "Let's go."

Stretton and the rest of the boys went out first since they're sitting in front, so did Young, Lyra and Calista. Primrose and the Dahlia were the only ones who sat at the very back.

Primrose finally got up from her seat when she and Tom both realised that they got up at the same time and they were facing each other. They made eye contact for solid three seconds before Primrose flashed him a small smile and walked away.

"Come!" Primrose said, not even looking at her cat because she knew that Tofu would always respond to her voice. Tofu then jumped off the table, walking in front of Tom who was watching the cat following its owner.

"Bye Professor!" Primrose said and Slughorn replied, "Bye, Miss Quinton!"

The lads walked to the field together, all excited. The boys started off with a little warm up and they just floated in the air for a few minutes before they started practicing.

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