Chapter 45: Close

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"Oh." The short blacksmith jumps up at the sound of my boots. "Welcome back miss."

I step inside the barn where he has both horses tethered. After changing my arm bandage, Rahlan told me to fetch the horses while Jaclyn packs her things. He took the task of watching Bevin, Ina and Aled, as if they could do anything while tied up.

The blacksmith runs his hand over Ari's mane. "Her new shoes are fitted. She's yours."

I pull two gold coins out of my pocket. "I need them both," I say.

He pauses for a moment, probably unable to believe his luck. Even if it means that he'll have to borrow a neighbor's horse for the harvest, two gold coins for two cart horses are well worth it.

He nods. "Then I will replace Ano's shoes too."

"No. I'll be taking them now, and I'll also need three silver coins in change."

He stops, and his eyes run from my boots to my head. I suddenly realize that my hair is disheveled and there are specks of blood on my hands. He knows that I'm in a hurry and am carrying an unusual number of coins. Has he deduced that I'm essentially a criminal about to flee the village?

I shove my incriminating hands in my pockets and take a step back. "Should I go somewhere else?"

"No, no." He fumbles with Ari's reins. "You can have them both immediately."

Taking both horse's leads, he brings them to the entrance of the stable. I hand him the two gold coins, and he passes both leads to me.

He glances at my fingers again, then he reaches into his pocket. I watch his hands, staying just out of reach in case he tries to grab me and turn me over to the townsfolk.

Three grey coins emerge from his pocket. "I wish you luck on your journey," he says.

Careful not to get to close, I stretch my arm out and take the coins with my free hand. "Thanks."

Keeping one eye on the man, I lead the horses out the stable and into the dusty street. Instead of following the road back to Jaclyn's home, I bring the horses behind the blacksmith's barn.

Ano keeps trying to pull away, and Ari is staring at me with her beady black eyes, occasionally letting out a snort. I take one lead in each hand to prevent the antsy one from agitating the other.

Hoping not to draw any extra attention to myself – a foreign girl walking off with both the blacksmith's horses – I guide them through the shrubs behind the village homes, out of sight of the main road.

After a few minutes of tugging, Ano finally gives in. While I may not be a confident rider, I learned how to handle farm horses by the time I was ten. Two wary cart horses won't be a challenge.

Upon arriving behind Jaclyn's house, I tether both horses to a post and head around to the front. There are a couple people on the road in view of Jaclyn's porch, but none of them appear to be paying any attention to me.

I knock on the wooden door. A moment later, the latch unlocks, and the door opens just enough that I can slip through. It's shut once I'm inside, and my vision takes a moment to adjust to the dark living room.

Rahlan's the one who let me in. Bevin, Ina and Aled are in the room where Rahlan was treated, now hidden behind a closed door.

I give Rahlan a nod, confirming that I've acquired both horses.

His curved sword is sheathed on his belt once again, and another sword is wrapped in linen on the other side of his waist. It has the same hilt that I held onto when fighting the ravager – the sword Keld gave me.

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