nico's found out

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nicos pov.

"alright why are you being so secretive?" I asked Damien when we got back to the common room "and how where you coincidentally so near the crime scene"

he turned "are you accusing me of that" he asked angrily processing what I said

"well its kind of a strange series of events don't you think?"

he glared at me " for your information the reason I was there was because I was looking for you. to bring you to the feast, because I am a caring friend, and I was tracking a heat signature using magic, which I thought was yours. the only reason I was secretive was because magic isn't allowed in the halls!"

"oh" I blinked "sorry-"

"I can't believe you would betray me like that! I would never accuse you of-"

"at least I don't spend my nights writing lists trying to figure out what's wrong with my friends!" did I say that out loud. oh my god I did

a look of shock came over damiens face, and he turned and walked out of the room

"talk later k?" alaska whispered before running after Damien

time skip to half an hour later 

"hey" alaska says walking to the chair I'm sitting in "sorry about that. I mean I don't know what happened but I'm sorry about it"

"how is it" I said skipping the small talk

"that list thing you said really rattled him what" she faltered for a moment and then continued "what did you mean"

"nothing" I answered "a metaphor" 

"I'm not stupid you know" she said "I won't believe everything you say, I know that Damien can focus his dreams and that his 'list' is something in his mind. Damiens more logical than me and more focused but I have the imagination to figure things out, like that your a greek demigod"

I froze and turned to stare at her

"but how"

"I've always believed in greek myths and the things you do are to similar to be a coincidence"

"did you tell Damien?"

"I just figured it out two minutes ago haven't had a chance yet"

"listen Lask you can't tell anyone"

she frowned "I can't keep this from Damien we tell each other everything"

"please for me" I stand up and grab her hands "not forever but I need you to do this"

"not forever?" she asks trying to verify it 

"yes" I answer and its true once I leave the school I can let Damien know

"fine " she says "on one condition"

"what?" I ask 

"tell me, whose?"

"hades" I say quickly 

she sucks in a breath and nods then makes her way up to the boys dormitory, probably to talk to Damien

Nico At Hogwartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें