The three confront Harry

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Harry's pov

"hello Potter" Damien White, a Slytherin in our year had just placed his books on my and Ron's table in the library "I was wondering if we could talk?"

I turn to Ron who shrugs and mouths run! or maybe run? or maybe rarwn... I'm not a lip reader

"Um hi?" I say as I put down my book.

"hi!" two other Slytherins, Norwood and Di Angelo join our table

"so Potter I'll get to the point" White says "what do you know about the heir of Slytherin?"

"nothing!" I say angrily "I'm not the heir, and I have no idea who it is!"

"you misunderstand" White says "we don't think you're the heir, but we do think you have something to do with the chamber of secrets"

"why do you think that?" Ron asks annoyed

"because" Di Angelo speaks up "you're a parseltongue"

"just cause I'm a parseltongue doesn't mean I'm the heir of-" I start to answer when Di Angelo interrupts me 

"so am I"

"wait you're a parseltongue to?" I ask and look at Ron who seems shocked

"yeah that's how we know it has something to do with the heir" Nico says "you've been hearing the voices to right? rip, tear, kill?"

I nod

"wait!" Ron says "if we're so sure the heir is a parseltongue how do we know that you're not the heir?"

"You don't" Norwood speaks up "and we have no reason to trust you. but there is nothing we can do about that, so why don't we just decide to not care and share all information we have?"

"Kind of flawed logic" I say and she shrugs

"so we agree to share all information" White says

"I'll think about it" I say, planning to ask Hermione the next time I see her.

Little did I know that later that night I would discover two more petrified bodies- Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly- Headless Nick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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