the deathday party

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time skip to Halloween

what happened in the past few months:

 1.harry Ron and Hermione became suspicious of nico and are showing it became close friends with Alaska and Damien

3.damien continued researching Nico secretly (but not really secretly cause nico knew)

4.the ghosts discovered that Nico was the son of hades(cause he told them) and now basically worship him

5.lockhart sucks

nicos pov

"hey nico!" I turn to see nearly headless nick float up to greet me 

"hello nick" I answer 

"I'm so glad I caught you! I'm having a deathday party like right now would you like to come?

"weeeeeell" shame to miss the feast but "sure" I say 

I follow nick to his deathday party and literal seconds after I leave him I come face to face with...

"what are you doing here!" harry potter

"I'm just going to this deathday party" I answer raising a eyebrow "same as you"

"your not even a griffindor" ron says arms crossed

"well I'm here anyway" I tell him and ron and harry, after glaring at me walked away whispering 

"sorry about them" Hermione appeared behind me "but honestly why are you here?" she asks and I stifle a sigh gods of Olympus will she leave me alone! I am so over protecting my identity she's been pestering me for months and Damiens down to 32 theory's 

making up a quick lie I say "me and nick have gotten close over speak of the witch hunts back in his days, I find them very interesting"

 "oh" she says seeming to believe that "well have fun!"

"I will" I tell her as she walks back to Harry and Ron "don't eat the food"

10 minutes into the party and things were getting kind of boring the headless hunt showed up a while ago and began hogging the attention but other than that things were pretty normal 

"my lord?" I turn to see a teenage ghost, myrtle I think 


"a girl is looking for you" myrtle says pointing at, Alaska?

I walk over "lask?" I say I've began calling her lask like damien its just much easier to pronounce than Alaska

"Nico!" her face lightens up with a smile "where were you? you didn't turn up at the feast , and we got worried, and we split up, and I went looking and a ghost told me you were here"

"and you looked and you found me and and and" I interrupted her

"sorry" she apologizes then smiles and looks around "wow this place is so cool!" so many ghosts! she pulls out her sketchbook and was about to begin drawing the room when suddenly I heard a voice

"rip, tear kill..."

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