Damien white

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Damiens Pov.

as I get into bed my mind is moving at top speed, well that's not new my mind was always moving so fast and often that my parents got me tested for ADHD. what was new was the subject on my quick moving mind: Nico Di Angelo. so many things where suspicious about that boy, what made him jump when Alaska mentioned Greeks to him, how could he see the threstals and why was he so quick to mistrust Alaska that less than a day after he met her he was already looking for her weaknesses.

I think I could befriend him and slowly get him to reveal his secrets one by one I think. and then sigh. to the surprise of almost everyone who meets me I'm not just a walking computer I have feelings. and as much as I love how smart I am, I hate thinking like that. the first thing I think when I meets people is 'what are they hiding?'. I don't like acting like this, but I can't help it the one thing I hate more then secrets is being unable to do something. of course Nico can't help seeing the threstals and whatever reason he has for it he probably wish never happened but still it's pretty annoying  and Nico keeping secrets is obviously his decision ordinarily I would feel... not hate but at least dislike towards Nico but I don't, I'm impressed by Nico  it's been a long time since I thought of someone as 'smart' normally my thoughts would be more like 'average'  but Nico was a smart person.

you know I tell himself all this thinking won't help me sleep any better  speaking of which its getting late, and begin my nightly breathing exercise  slowly willing myself to sleep.

I opens his eyes in the dream I've carefully taught my mind to show myself. a empty field with a stack of papers and pencils in front of me for him to commit my thoughts to paper after a pause I write on the top of my imaginary paper

'who is Nico Di Angelo?-theories'

Nico At HogwartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon