the chamber of secrets

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nico's pov.

I jump up "did you here that?!" I say

"huh?" Alaska looks at me strangely 

"come on!" I pull her toward the voice which continues threatening to hurt people, the voice was getting louder, I must be getting closer

Alaska panting beside me yelled "where are we going! slow down" which I ignore 

suddenly damien walks briskly out of the door toward which we were heading and seeing us quickly pushes us into a broom closet

"hey ow" Alaska says "what's going on?"

"yeah why did you push us in here?" I asked "you know what tell me later someones going to get hurt I'm leaving"

"no ones going anywhere" Damien said turning "you don't want to get caught there" while he was talking I heard a few footsteps walking past

"what do you mean, let me out!" I glare at Damien wishing I could use my powers to zap us out of there he opened his mouth to argue back when we heard a few dozen footsteps walk by 

Damien turned opened the door and said "ok lets go"

we walked out of the broom closet and joined a crowd standing around a wall and fought through them to see a... paralyzed cat? standing under blood words? and right in the middle were Harry Ron and Hermione, and the professors and filch who was freaking out. 

"you killed my cat I'll kill you!" yup filch was seriously freaking out

"Argus" Dumbledore exclaimed "we shall deal with this inside not surrounded by students"

"sir my office is closest just down the corner" Lockhart said giving a winning smile that I must admit does still kinda look cute, even though he completely sucks

"see, didn't want to be caught there. told you" Damien whispered beside me

I turned "what where you doing there" 

he glanced at me and whispered "tell you later"

Nico At Hogwartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें