Chapter One: Traitor

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Blakes Pov

Me and Sun Made it to the warehouse where the White Fang Rally is I heard that the was going to be a public display of somesort.

Blake: This is it...

Sun: Are you sure?

I gave him A glare that said" Want to question me again?!"

Sun: I don't get it. If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?

Blake: The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.

Sun: masks... That's kind of dark.

Blake: You should see my Brother's mask could give anybody Nightmare's.

Sun: Wait you have a brother and Is he still with the whitefang?

I started getting upset about this topic

Blake: I don't know last time i seen him he helped me leave the Whitefang.

Sun: So is he good or bad.....

Blake: Neither...Well he's good in my books but he does kill people but only people who he thinks deserves to die like Schnee's or well their Father Anyway lets drop this topic and investigate like we were meant to.

Sun: Sure...

White Fang Lieutenant: Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!

After The Lieutenant spoke Roman Torchwick came onto the stage with something with a tarp covering it.

Roman: Thank you, thank you! Please, hold your applause!

Antler Faunus: What's a human doing here?!

Roman: I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, ... are the worst. Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed! So to convince you that im trying to "Better" The Fang i have come with a gift.

He uncovered the Curtain and the Tarp at the same time, what was behind both shocked me to my core, The one behind the curtain was a huge Robot while the one under the tarp was a cage and in that cage was A Passed out Cat Faunus,my....Brother.

Blake: no no!

Sun: Blake what is it!

Blake: Sun the person in the cage is my brother!

Sun: What!

Roman:My gift to you all is a Paladin and a traitor, You see this Little Kitty was helping Selfish Faunus leave the White Fang, So he is here to show what this paladin can do. Alright Squish Him!

My heart stopped the first time i see my brother in soo long and i'm about to see him die.

Blake: Sun! Shoot the breaker!

Sun: On it!

As Sun shot the breaker everything went dark this is the time I save my Brother instead of him Saving me!

I Ran up to the stage quicker then Roman could react and I quickly Broke open the cage and grabbed my passed out brother, I looked at his neck to see loads of little holes they must of used about 4 tranq darts on him.

Blake: Sun! The Window!

Sun: Right!

We both Jumped and smashed throw the window and quickly getting onto the highway.


3 Rd Person Pov

As The Rockets were about to hit Blake, Shadows Formed a wall in front of her.

RWY+Roman: Blake/What!

Blake: Only one person can do that......Y/N.

Out of the corner Of Weisses eye she seen somebody get up of the ground.

Weiss: Ehhh Guys who is that?

She asked pointing to the figure.

Yang: I don't know but Imma beat them to a pulp they are most likely working with torchwick.

She charged at the figure pulling back her fist for a massive blow.

Blake: STOP!

Yang stopped in her tracks.

Yang: Blake?

The shadows kept Roman In place.

Blake: Everybody Meet Y/N My Younger Twin

Y/N: ONLY BY A SECOND! And Blake we will talk later i'm going to take care of the ginger over there.

He said pointing at Torchdick.

Weiss: Ehhh! Are you mad you can't beat that!

Blake: Watch him, I may be older but He is much stronger.

Weiss: What?

Y/N Charged at the mech, The mech swung at him and hit it's mark but it quickly turned to dust as the mechs arm fell off.

Roman: WHAT HOW!

Rwy: Wow......

Yang Pov

He's amazing, He's handsome, Hopefully he's Nice, He could be

3rd Person Pov

Roman fell out of the mech and rolled on the ground.Quickly wiping off his suit

Roman: Aw i just got this cleaned!

Roman: Ladies, Ice Queen...Kitty Cat.

Weiss: Hey!

Y/N: Pussy....

Roman: Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would...

A Girl with pink and brown hair came and stood beside Roman and quickly did a bow

Yang: So I guess he got a new henchman...and we got a new Friend?

Y/N: Maybe depends on how you all treated Blake.

Weiss: Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart!

Y/N: I already Dislike this group.

Blake: Y/N.......

Blake ran into her brothers arms while crying her eyes out he hugged her back when she stopped she quickly put cuffs on him.

Y/N: Aww that's just mean.....Why?

Blake: Cause I don't want you doing something stupid like always.

Y/N Pov

I could just break out but i will amuse her and in all honesty the blonde is crazy hot. I look at her and shoot her a wink.

Y/N: Who's the blonde Bombshell~

Blake: Y/N!

Yang: My names Yang Cutie~

Y/N: Me Likey

Blake: Goddammit come on we have to talk to Ozpin.

Y/N: Of just a heads up there is a base in Mountain Glenn.

Weiss: At Least today was not a complete waste.

Y/N: Fucking Schnee.

Y/N was about to lunge at Weiss but blake quickly stopped him.

Blake: Y/N! she's different I promise.

Y/N: We will see , Blake we still need to have a chat.

Blake: Fine.

And done this will be the last new book i make for a while so enjoy. 

Curiosity Killed The Cat :Blakes Brother Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now