Chapter 8: Sleepless

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Chapter 8: Sleepless

England had fallen sleep early that night, guess that's to be expected. America checked on him to make sure he really was sleeping before playing the England's cat. America lifted the cat up in the air and dipped him down, then back up, though amusing to him, the cat wasn't happy. He hissed and tried to get away from America but America wouldn't let him, the cat then tried clawing at him still didn't work.

"Stay kitty stay." America said and cuddled that cat, making the poor thing hiss more. America pouted and finally let the cat go, it ran off fast before America could reach for it again. He sat there, he never went to be early unless he was sick, England was sound asleep and he was bored as hell. He sat against the wall of his room and whistled a bit, there was nothing to do at all, his DS had died and he forgot the charger too, he couldn't even find his cell phone, which was bad because if his boss needed to call him, he was screwed.

He watched T.V a bit, a lot of the midnight shows made America laugh just by the British people talking, he always found it amusing, he ate some sweets England hid in the kitchen, and then walked around a bit, really nothing to do. Curiosity struck and America walked past the locked room again. With boredom and curiously taking over, America snuck back into the Brit's room and looked through his draws for the key.

He tried to be as quiet as he could, he knew if England woke up and saw him that he would be kicked out onto the streets. He slowly opened the top draw of the nightstand and looked through with a flashlight he found, stealing from England once again. He kept looking through and never finding the key. He looked in the bottom draw and again found nothing. America cursed under his breath and snuck over to the other nightstand and opened the top draw. England moved a bit in his sleep and America froze until he saw he was still again. He peeked over at the Brit to make sure he was still sound asleep, and he was. He signed in relief and kept looking, nothing in the top so he tried the bottom. He looked through the books and papers and finally found a key. He picked it up, hoping it was the right one, and quietly closed the draw, although it made a bit of a crackle. England moved around more and America froze again.

England rubbed his eyes a bit and started waking up. America froze like a statue as England opened his eyes a bit, thought it was a dream, and closed his eyes again, then moved a bit to get comfortable. America signed in relief and stood up from his frozen bent position. He quickly tippie toed out of the room and down the hall to the locked room. He grinned a bit as he put the key into the lock and turned, it opened! America pushed the door but it wouldn't budge. What the hell, he thought and tried pushing again, something was stuck, something was pushed against the door. Damn it, all that sneaking around for nothing!

America moaned and tried pushing the door more, using all his might but it still wouldn't budge. He heard England's cat behind him meowing, almost like a laughter, and America stamped his way back to his room to go to bed, he was pissed off now and wanted to go to bed. The stamping of the American ended up waking England in his room. He got annoyed that America woke him up, he just knew it was him, and simply went back to bed.

Morning was a bit strange, America had woken up before England, which never happened since he was a child. America had went down for breakfast but quickly went back up to check on England. He creaked the door open and peeked in. "Iggy. Wake up." He said. The Brit didn't move in his bed. America blinked and made his way over. "Iggy? You okay?" he put his hand on the Brit's shoulder and shook him a bit, England didn't even moan. America suddenly got concerned at that. He shook the Brit more and more, still nothing. "England!" He yelled. Finally there was some movement. England turned toward the American and opened his eyes a bit, he didn't look good, there were bags under his eyes.

"England? You okay?" America asked. "What happened to you?" England rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"I, um, didn't sleep well." England mumbled.

"But you went to bed early and I even peeked in on you, you slept like a baby."

"Yeah. I don't know." England yawned. "I woke up throughout the night."

"Aw poor Iggy."

"Shut up." America moved back as England got out of bed. "What are you doing awake anyway?"

"I woke up early~" America smiled. "Hey Iggy. You got anything to do today?"

"Not really."

"Wanna play baseball?"

"No!" England yelled. "Never again!" America laughed.

"Oh come on!~ Even Canada keeps playing it with me."

"You probably force him."

"Na ah!" America said. "I annoy him until he says yes."

"Aka, you force him..." England said. Got him there.

"So you want tea?" America smirked. England walked past him.

"Yes." He said and America followed out behind.

Morning was too quiet for America's taste. England drank his tea in silence and America ate cereal and tried not to take up a conversation, England clearly wasn't in the mood. America taped his feet a bit as he ate, which pissed England off a bit, until the Brit told him to stop. This was boring, nothing to do. "Hey Iggy. Wanna do something?"

"Not really."

"Oh come onnn."

"Be quiet." England said sipping his tea. America signed and was about to complain again until the door bell rang. England got up to get it until the American ran past him faster and answered the door.

No one was there though, nothing but a package on the floor. America blinked and picked it up. "Iggy! You got a box!" England quickly came out of the kitchen and grabbed the box out of the American's hands. He then threw it outside and shut the door.

"It's from Scotland. Don't touch my 'mail'." England said. America stood there confused until he heard a loud boom outside. He opened the door and peeked outside to see powder-glue everywhere.

"Um. What the hell?" America questioned.

"Just shut up and don't touch anything like that."

"Your brothers are insane...." America said, he was lucky he only had Canada as a brother, a pancake and hockey obsessed one but at least he had sanity, unlike America himself.

"Not Wales-um, most of the time anyway." England said. America stood against the door.

"Does that happen often?"


"Oh." America said. "Hey Iggy. You need a break."


"Yeah." America got a huge smile and he grabbed onto England's wrist. "Come over to my place for a bit! No work, no crazy brothers sending you wacked out packages, just you and me bro."


"Come on~ It could be fun~"

"W-Well." England first started, it sounded like a good idea for him, but he didn't want to spend more time with America, he was starting to like the company and he didn't want that.

America made a huge smile and he grabbed onto England and lifted him over his shoulder. "You're coming with me~"

"W-What? ! America! Put me down!" England yelled. America laughed and ignored the Brit's yelling and carried him up the stairs to pack, he had his heart set on it now.


I do not own the characters used in this nor do I own the anime they come from.

Sorry. Crap chapter : / I got stuck DX but I got more ideas now~ I hope~ :D

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