Chapter 2: Imaginary

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Chapter 2: Imaginary

England lowered the revolver from the familiar nation hiding behind the couch.

"Dude! You don't point a gun at people! Dat's not cool bro!" Yes, it was the one and only Alfred F. Jones, America. He jumped up, surpassing England's height, and rubbed his head "Dude I ran into something and I fell and I hit my head."

"You ran into a vase a broke it, you hit your head on the table." England said annoyed.

"Iggyyyy, my head hurtsss" America complained. England signed and walked away to find a light switch. Once he did, it lighted the room to see that the area above America's right eye was all red, even a bit black and blue.

"Well no wonder it hurts. Are you dizzy?"

"You got two heads Iggy."

"Yeha your not okay at all." England signed and left the room for a moment. America stood there and rubbed his head. After the Brit being gone for so long, maybe 20 seconds, he whined "Iggyyyyyyyyy".

England came back with a first aid kit, "Quit your whining, sit on the couch." America whined again and then sat on the couch like England ordered. England sat next to him and looked through the first aid kit. He took out an ice pack and cracked it, then put it on the table to get cold. While that worked, he looked at America and turned the American's head toward him. He got a better look at the injury, it was really red, already black and blue, maybe even bleeding.

"Is it badddd?" America whinned.

"Shh!" England hushed him. It was bleeding, it finally started to as a delayed reaction. "Don't move," He reached back to the first aid kit and took out a band aid. He looked back at America and something clicked. He had done this before.

America was a child, he had hit his head on something hard, England believed it was a table back then too. America cried and cried, the wound was over the same eye, it bled fast and England had hurried to take care of it. He took a cloth and wet it, then placed it over the child's eye.

"Shh," England said. "Just relax, it will be okay."

"I-It hwurts Iggy," America would say in his cute little voice, sniffling and trying not to cry.

"You said you were going to be a hero right?" England asked. America nodded and sniffled again. "Well America, heroes don't cry." England smiled as America sniffled again.

"Heroes don't cry" He whipped his eyes "I'm not crying, I don't cry."

"That's right," He took the cloth off and the bleeding had almost stopped. "I'm going to wrap your head up okay?" America nodded and England took out a few bandages, He wrapped it around the child's head, making sure it covered the wound. America had stopped crying by then, he still sniffled but he was fine now.

"All bwetter?" America asked.

England nodded, "Yes all better my brave little hero." He kissed America on his head as the little one giggled.

England had froze, he looked at America and thought about that moment.

"Iggy, dude?" America asked. "Yo!" England snapped out of it.

"S-Sorry." He put the Band-Aid on the wound, he even wanted to kiss America's head but held back the urge, and threw away the wrappers. He picked up the ice pack and pressed it to America's head.

"Dude! That thing is freezing!" America jumped away.

"It's an icepack you twit," he pulled the American back over and pressed it to the wound again. "Take it like a man."

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