Chapter 6: Nightly London

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Chapter 6: Nightly London

After America's multiple questions, his compliments toward England and his city, and the ride ending, he quickly gained an appetite and hoped England knew somewhere to fill it, and he did. He took America to a small café he knew, it was really his favorite, and sat him down at a table.

America sat there waiting for England to get food. He played with the zipper on his jacket to cure his boredom but he quickly lost interest and looked out the window. He watched people walk by, counting how many seconds it would take them to walk past the window, and then looking at the "weird" English busses and quietly thinking how weird they were. His boredom continued though until England came back.

"I don't know if you'll like it but here." England said putting the food on the table.

"It's all British right?"


"It's British cuisine right?"

"....I just got you a sandwich...."

"Whatttt. Nooo. Iggy I wanna try your food. I've only had fish and chips and that was like... so long ago. And it's all basic."

"And my favorite..." England said. He signed and switched their meals. "You can have mine then." America's face lit up.

"Awesome! Thanks Iggy!"

"Yeah yeah. Just eat it." England said eating his. America grabbed the soda England gave him and shook it.

"It's so small...." He said.

"Well I'm sorry. I didn't tell them to super size it for the great big Hero."

"Next time you should." America smiled. England rolled his eyes.

"Just drink it." England continued eating. America drank his soda and then tried some of food. "Well? How is it?"

"Not bad. For the British." He smiled repeated the Brit's own remarks. England smiled at him and continued eating. "So what are we doing after this?"

"Well I guess we can keep going around if you want."

"Yeah yeah!"

"Okay. Then"


"Nothing. Um-"

"No no no! What?"

"I was going to say Buckingham Palace but no way."

"Whaatttt. Why not?"

"I'm not taking you there. Your too loud."

"Meh. Fine. Pick something else."

"How about...Hmm. How about a park?"

"A park?" America drank more of his soda and finished it.

"Yeah. St. James's Park. It's the oldest royal park here."

"Oh. Yea sure let's go there! It's a nice day anyway."

"Alright. Well just finish your-" England stopped himself when he saw America was already finished with the big meal. "Or we can just go now."

"Okay~" America smiled. England cleaned up after them and walked out, America following him quickly. They took another walk, a long one America complained about, and they even stopped once because America got tired and needed a chocolate break. They got going again and finally made it.

The park was beautiful and with the nice day, America enjoyed it. He ran ahead a bit and waited for England to catch up. They sat down a few times, but America got distracted by the birds and ended up chasing after them, England yelling at him from behind. They took a walk around the entire park, England telling America some of the history of it as well as them just chatting, like normal people for once.

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