Chapter 3: Cute

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Chapter 3: Cute

England woke up the next morning not much better. His eyes felt heavy, his throat was scratchy and burning, his head was aching, his entire body was aching. He lifted himself up in hid bed and looked around; no sign of the American. He signed, it must of just been a dream again, he thought. As weird as it would sound, he had dreams of America coming over, taking care of him, and even apologizing. Each time though, the nightmare would start and America would end up joking around and go back to his cruel self making fun of Brit and reminding him of painful things like the revolution.

He got himself up and out of bed and dragged himself downstairs. He walked past the living room opening toward the kitchen, but he thought he saw something out of place so he backed up and looked in. America laid flat on his back, one arm over his eyes, another laying across his stomach but slightly falling off. One leg was already falling off while the other reached out over the end of the couch. His mouth was open, he was drooling, and his glasses were sitting on the table next to him.

England rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't just seeing things again. But nope, it was America in the flesh sleeping on his couch. He ignored it at first, walked into the kitchen and made some tea, he needed his morning tea after he skipped it yesterday. After drinking it, he went back to the living room. He used up twenty minutes and came back only to find America in the same position, just a bit of snoring now.

England picked a pillow off the couch opposite the one he was sleeping on. He then stood and peeked over America's head. He plopped the pillow on him "Wake up you." America snorted and moved the pillow from his face.

"Morning Igggyyyy," he yawned. "Bro you slept pretty well but you look like shit."

Well that was a bit offending, "Gee thanks Git."

"No problem," he winked and sat up. "Your couch is so not comfortable."

"You know I do have a guest bedroom."

"I was afraid if I used it, you would yell at me." America pouted. England signed.

"Next time you're here you can use it."

"Guess I'll be using it for a while." America smiled. England was starting to leave until he heard that, he stopped.

"What do you mean by that?"

America stretched out "Well your still sick so I'm staying to take care of you til your better, duh."

"Oh no your not. Get out."

America jumped up off the couch "I ain't leaving."

"Its 'I am not' not 'I ain't' you Git." England corrected him. America wined.

"Don't correct meeeee."

"Whatever. You can leave now."

"No." America smiled.

"Yea America."

"No England." He tried not to laugh, he knew if he kept this going like this, England would give up.

And he did. England signed and walked away, "Fine. Stay." After England left, America did a little "yessss" and gave a fist pump. Then he followed the Brit.

"So. What's for breakfast?" America said coming up behind England. England took out a box of cereal and placed it on the counter for him.

"There's your breakfast."

America pouted. "It looks all old and degusting." He looked around the box "Its not like Captain Crunch or Coco Puffs, where's the sugar!"

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