Chapter 8: A Miserable Mission

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Lee gathered some wood as y/n used her Fire Ball jutsu to start the fire which left Saya a bit scared. Tenten summoned the ingredients to make food (idk what food you can choose).

As the group sat around the fire Guy sensei looked around completely oblivious to the tense atmosphere. Saya sat uncomfortably close to Neji. Y/n sat in between Tenten and Lee glaring into the fire. Tenten ate her food with her brows furrowed, glancing every so often at Saya. Lee happily ate his food, distracting himself with the events that occurred before by talking to Guy sensei. Neji's eyes looked frantic but his body stayed still.

What is he thinking? y/n thought. Guy sensei made a joke, only Lee laughed. The mood was gloomy and quite unpleasant. The atmosphere was almost suffocating.

"Well I'm going to sleep. We have an long day tomorrow. Don't stay up too late." Guy sensei said as he got into a tent. Lee headed to sleep also. He always followed Guy sensei's example.

"Good night Guy sensei." Saya chimed. They knew immediately when he fell asleep because of his loud snores. Soon followed by Lee's snore.

"Ew. Who snores like that? And his brows are so bushy it's ugly." Saya remarked. She linked her arms with Neji and they began to talk. Tenten and y/n started to talk about the new restaurants that had just opened in the Leaf.

"Neji, can you pass the water please?" Tenten asked pointing to a water bottle near Neji's foot. Before he could grab it, Saya snatched it away and drank some then handed it to Tenten "accidentally" spilling on her lap. Tenten gasped.

"Oops I'm sorry. My hand just slipped." Saya said with puppy eyes. She smirked and continued to talk to Neji, complimenting him. He talked about his family, earning more praise from Saya.

"What do you think of y/n?" Saya asked, just loud enough for y/n to hear.

"She's a strong and reliable comrade." Neji replied.

"Oh? Is that so? Because she seems so snobby and rude. Her slap didn't even hurt. She's so weak." Saya added saying it so that y/n could hear. She leaned more towards Neji.

"Well she's good at fighting." Neji said in y/n's defense. Suddenly there was a tug on his shoulder. Y/n was hovering over him.

"Neji, we need to talk." she said.

"Excuse me." Neji said to Saya and got up and followed y/n. They walked in the forest until they couldn't see the campsite. She stopped and turned to face Neji.

"You need to stop." she said seriously.

"Stop what?"

"Saya. You're getting attached to her."

"I don't know what you mean."

"I can tell you like her! But if you get too attached it's gonna effect our mission. You're not gonna want to leave her."

"She's nice that's all. It won't effect the mission."

"What do you even see in her? She's a snobby brat. She's so rude to Lee and Tenten."

"Well what do you expect? Lee shouldn't have been a shinobi. He only has taijutsu of course he's going to get picked on. And she said the thing with Tenten was an accident."

"Tell me, what is it like to be freaking blind?!? It was obviously on purpose. You already look blind and now you're acting it. And say that about Lee one more time!" y/n was yelling now.

"I already told Lee himself. He can't be a shinobi on taijutsu alone. Plus if Tenten was a good shinobi she would've reacted on time." Neji rolled his eyes.

Y/n slapped him leaving him in shock. He touched his face. It was a hard slap. There was a red hand print on his face. He just stood there staring at her in disbelief and pity.

"Why aren't you hitting me back?" y/n asked. Her eyes were full of hurt and swelling up with tears. Neji looked at her with more pity.

"Why?!?" she hit him again.

"Why?!? Why?!? Why?!?" she yelled as she punched his stomach. Her punches decreased as she continued.

"Why do you pity me? I would rather have you hate me! RESENT ME HATE ME ANYTHING BUT PITY ME!" her voice began to crack.

"This isn't you. I understand that you're having you're still having a hard time coping because of Itachi an-"

"Stop! Stop it! It's not because of them! Why can't you accept that I got here fair and square! Everyone is always looking down on me! They're always trying to comfort me! But it's out of guilt! Everyone thinks that I got here because of 'special treatment,' because of my family! NO! I BECAME A SHINOBI BECAUSE I WORKED FOR IT. I TRAINED EVERY DAY. JUST LIKE LEE! WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT LEE AND ME CAN DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR PITY!" tears streamed down her face as her voice cracked with each yell.

"I'm done Neji! I'm done acting like I'm okay! I'm done pretending that I don't care! You never care about my opinion! Hit me! Hit me!"

"I can't hit a girl. But that was your fate and I'm sorry ab-"

"So you think because I'm a girl I'm weak and you can't hit me! BS! Why can't you just RESPECT me?!? Treat me like Hinata! You don't pity her you hate her! You train with the intent to kill her! HATE ME! DON'T PITY ME! Stop acting like you're superior than me. I don't need another I'm sorry. I don't care about Saya anymore. But if you can't respect me at least respect my friends." y/n wiped her tears and began to walk back to the camp, using her sharingan.

"Oh. And by the way, Itachi didn't kill my parents... I did."

-Back at the Camp-

Tenten was in the tent waiting for y/n's return. Saya was still near the fire as y/n came back Saya gave her a frown.

"Where's Neji?" she asked.

"I don't know." y/n shrugged and entered the tent Tenten was in.

"What happened?" Tenten asked.

"I hate him. He pities me!" she started to cry in Tenten's arms. Tenten stroked her back.

"It's going to be okay."

"Do you pity me Tenten?" y/n sniffled. Tenten let go of her hug and cupped her face, wiping away her tears.

"Of course not! I've known you way before the incident. I have nothing but respect for you."

"Thank you Tenten!"

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