Chapter 33: Jealousy Much?

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It's been a few weeks since their mission to save Gaara and Tenten's admiration for Neji grew into feelings. Everyday he never seized to surprise her. Maybe because of y/n his mood had been a lot softer. He's been a lot kinder. He's even been helping Hinata make a new jutsu.

"Good morning Tenten." Neji greeted her as they arrived around the same time.

"Oh good morning Neji!" she said blushing.

Luckily Neji is oblivious to any signs that Tenten shows.


"And good morning to you too Lee." Neji replied.

"Morning Lee." Tenten said.

"Morning EVERYONE!" y/n said.

"Morning princess." Neji greeted.

"GOOD MORNING Y/N!" Lee exclaimed.

"G-good morning y/n." Tenten said looking away from her. She had been avoiding y/n. All though y/n noticed she wanted to give Tenten some space. If Tenten wanted her help she would ask.

"Good morning my lovely students! No mission today. Let's start with 10 laps around the village. Each of you guys get these weights." Guy sensei said. He turned around and picked up ankle weights similar to Lee's and handed to them to his students.

They sighed and put them on. Lee voluntarily added more weights.

It was a normal day of training. You know. Guy sensei and his intense workouts.

Neji, y/n, and Lee all left together... Again. They had been leaving together for the past few days.  Tenten stood there a bit hurt. She understood why Neji and y/n would leave together, but Lee too? Were they avoiding me? Am I just that annoying or boring to be around? Why is it y/n and not me?  Tenten thought.

She decided to wander around the village, with no goal exactly in mind. She walked over to the other side of the forest where Hinata's team was training. She decided to watch them a bit. They all charged at Kurenai sensei. Shino sent out his bugs as Kiba did his Fang over Fang... as always. Hinata got in her ready stance but didn't charge yet. Tenten observed Hinata's movement.

Kiba and Akamaru fell and as well as Shino. They were under a genjutsu. Hinata quickly rushed in, careful to not get caught under Kurenai sensei's genjutsu and quickly released Shino from the genjutsu before being knocked out by Kurenai sensei. Shino used his bugs to stop her and released Hinata, Kiba, and Akamaru.  Genjutsu. Hmm? Tenten thought and light bulb lit up in her mind.

"Good work Shino. Hinata, don't come head on, it's too obvious, but as good job at waiting before attacking. Kiba, same thing. You're too obvious, you rely too much on your teammates to help you. You're dismissed." Kurenai sensei said, giving them feedback.

"Oh Tenten. Why are y-you here?" Hinata asked.

"I was actually going to speak with Kurenai sensei and ask her something." she replied.

"Oh okay. See y-you."

Tenten walked over to Kurenai sensei.

"Hi, Kurenai sensei." Tenten greeted her.

"Oh hi Tenten. What brings you here?"  she said in return.

"I was just wondering. Since you specialize in genjutsu is there a love genjutsu?" Tenten asked.

"Well I've heard there was a love genjutsu but I've never used it. Since when were you so into genjutsu's Tenten?"

"Oh well I just wanted to try something new. Something besides weapons you know."

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