Chapter 23: Relieve my Pain

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Y/n stumbled back into her house and crashed onto the bed. Letting her weight soak deep into the bed, her head buried in her pillows. Sakura left, leaving her be. NANDE?!? NANDE?!? NANDE?!? NANDE?!? (it means why). Inside her, a knot filled her stomach as her mind drifted into a deep despair. All these years she had pushed herself to raise him. She looked forward to the days after training to see his face. He kept her company so that she wouldn't feel so lonely. She was constantly taking care of him, keeping herself occupied so that she wouldn't feel the pain. The pain which she was still not relieved of. The pain of that night. But Sasuke had alleviated that pain briefly. Giving her something to look forward to each day. But now he was gone. And the pain swarmed her heart once more, but was now heavier. The pain had grew, she kept it all bottled up.

She laid limp on her bed, soaking it in her tears. Her screams were muffled as she punched her pillow. Y/n grew tired after what seemed like forever and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. But y/n didn't answer. She was still asleep and wished for her sleep to never end. She heard a knock again but tuned it out. She was now awake but refused to get up. Instead she curled up into a ball and began to cry once more. The door bursted open after a few minutes. A worried Neji made his way to the foot of her bed.

"Y/n..." he said, relieved to see her uninjured. The sound of his familiar voice aroused y/n causing her to look up.

"N-Neji?" she managed to sniffle out. He then hugged her, pulling her to his chest.

"I was worried. You didn't answer your door so I thought you were hurt." he said. She rested her head in his chest, tears gently rolling down her cheeks. She laid her hands on Neji.

"S-s-sasuke... He's g-gone." she said shakily.

"I know. Lady Tsunade called me. I'm going to bring him back. Shikamaru will be leading. Naruto, Choji, and Kiba are coming too. I promise I'll bring him back." he said softly, gently rocking her in his arms.

"No! Don't promise me that. I d-don't wanna be a b-burden. Just promise me y-you'll make it back safely."

"Well injuries are inevitable."

"I know. Just m-make it back with NO f-fatal injuries."

Neji kissed her head.

"I promise."

"And Neji..."


"Promise you won't leave me."

"I'll never leave you my princess."

The h/c haired girl had stopped crying. Only tear stains left on her cheeks. But now they were layered with bright pink blush.

"P-princess?" she asked in embarrassment.

"You are my princess right?" he asked. But before she could answer he crashed his lips into hers. She kissed back. Their kiss was full of passion and sincerity.

"I need to go now. I'll try my best to bring Sasuke back." he said as he got up and tucked her into her bed. She nodded as he left. She sank back down into a deep sleep once more.

~Time Skip After "Rescue Sasuke" Mission~

Y/n arose from her deep slumber. She stretched out her arms and yawned. There was a knock on her door. She got up to answer it. She was still a mess. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were dry from crying. You could still see the tear stains on her cheeks.

"Sakura?" y/n said after opening the door.

"They're back." Sakura said with a sad look.

"Naruto and the team to get Sasuke." she added. Y/n's face lit up.

"Really? Is Sasuke back?" she asked, hoping for a yes, but instead Sakura shook her head. Y/n's face grew sad and her breathing grew heavy.

"What happened to them then?"

"Choji and Neji are in critical condition."

Y/n's face was pale. All the color was drained from her, leaving her with a blank dead stare.

"I'm heading to the hospital now. Want to come?" Sakura offered. She quickly nodded her head and they went to the hospital.

Shikamaru was standing next to Temari. Things with y/n and Temari have been very awkward since the attack on Konohagakure.

"Shikamaru! Where's Neji?" she asked immediately.

"Y/n... He's in there. But Anko is performing a sacred healing technique for Hyugas. I'm sorry but you can't see him right now." Shikamaru explained. His voice was a bit shaky which was unusual for him. Y/n noticed and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Shikamaru. Are you okay?" she asked. He began to tear up.

"I'm sorry y/n. We couldn't bring him back. If only I was better. I failed as a team leader. Because of me we failed and Neji and Choji nearly died. If it weren't for the Sand Siblings we'd all be dead." he tried to blink back his tears.

"It's okay Shika. You tried your best. Just get back on your feet." she said trying to comfort him. Although she said this, she herself was unsure if she'd be able to recover from this. But she stayed strong. Y/n turned to Temari.

"Thank you Temari."

"Er uh. We kind of owe you. Also, sorry for deceiving you. But we promise we won't do it again." Temari replied. Y/n gave a weak smile.

"I'm sorry y/n." was all Shika could say at the moment.

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