Chapter 43: War Ends

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A/N: sorry for not updating T^T i swear im not dead. i will be switching the POV for the rest of the story to y/n's POV aka your POV and this will be a longer chapter. spoiler warning for ppl who haven't got to this part yet! also srry if its not 100% accurate bc its been a while since ive watched naruto

I ran and met up with all the other shinobi's. There, there was the other 'Madara' who was waiting for the Ten Tails to awaken. I really did hope Gaara was okay. Kakashi sensei, Guy sensei, and Naruto were fighting against him. Kakashi was using his Kamui quite a lot and looked as if he just saw a ghost.

The Ten Tails suddenly awakened. We all worked together and formed a plan to defeat the Ten Tails. The Earth Style ninjas would make a giant hole caving it in but it didn't work. Instead Naruto turned into Kurama or Kurama took over Naruto. I was terribly confused but it looked cool. It would take a bit until my chakra came back now.

It was like a the fight of monsters. Naruto vs the Ten Tails. But Naruto could only remain that form for so long. Just when things couldn't get worst. The real Madara came. Had Gaara and the other Kages already been defeated.

I looked at him with a face of horror.
Guy sensei all of a sudden began to go all 8 Inner Gates and took Madara head on. But sadly he could only last so long. The two Uchihas stood on top of the Ten Tails. They started talking trash to Naruto and all of us giving us some time to rest. After their long and tedious monologue of trying to convince Naruto he should give up, the Ten Tails attacked. It threw sticks everywhere.

It was so terrible that I forgot my sense if vocabulary and all I could say to describe it was terrible. All I could do was dodge. I spotted Hinata and Naruto and Neji fighting along side. I ran over to them but I was only a few feet away when I saw Naruto without chakra, Hinata attempting to help him, and a few sticks being thrown toward their direction. Neji leaped in front of them, using his body as a shield.

I called out to him, screaming his name. I blocked out all the sounds. I couldn't even hear my own voice anymore. In my eyes it was just him. He turned his head to look at me and gave me a closed eye smile. I reached my arm out as I ran, attempting to desperately push him out of the way but I was too far. My vision was blurry from the water filling up my eyes. I refused to let the tears roll down my cheek.

Suddenly the tears came rolling down my. But they weren't tears. They were heavier and red. My my hand then glowed (fav color) as it extended. The first stick hit him in the shoulder. Piercing through his body. Blood spurted but I didn't allow the others to reach him. I grabbed him in my Susanoo hand and allowed the sticks to hit my Susanoo arm so that Hinata and Naruto wouldn't get hit.

I gently put Neji down. Naruto and Hinata rushed over to him. I deactivated my Susanoo and rushed over to him as well.

"Neji!" Naruto shouted. He gave a weak smile, his shoulder still punctured.

"Why? Why would risk your life for me?!?" Naruto asked desperately.

"Because you called me a genius." Neji replied.

"Call a medical ninja! Sakura! Anyone!" Hinata yelled.

"No it's fine." Neji began to pull out the stick, wincing in pain until I slapped his hand.

"Don't you dare go dying on me now!" I said angrily out of breathe. He stopped trying to yank the pole out.

"Y/n! Naruto!" Sakura called as she rushed toward us.

She examined his wound and began to heal what she can.

"We need to extract the stick but I have to apply pressure to it fast and then heal it from there. Its very deep so I'm going to have to stick my hand in a bit and heal it from the inside first. Y/n can you help me?" Sakura explained. I nodded.

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