Chapter 34: The New Titan

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''But have you seen Armin's squad!?" Mikasa asked Annie, ''We found Armin and y/n they're over there' 'Reiner pointed at you and Armin while the two of you sat against the wall with your heads down. The cries. The screams for help were replaying in your head. Over and over. You couldn't escape the guilt that was swallowing you whole. You didn't want to live. But you didn't want to die.

''y/n, Armin you guys aren't hurt are you?'' Mikasa asked kneeling in front of you both. Neither of you answered, how were you going to tell Mikasa? She swore she would protect him. How is she going to react when she finds out? ''where's Eren?''. There it was. The one question you had been dreading. The words you prayed she wouldn't say.

''Y/n...Armin?'' she tried to get a response out of you and Armin. Armin suddenly lifted hi head looking up at Mikasa with tear- filled eyes. You on the other hand didn't move, you stayed silent and still. You couldn't bring yourself to look Mikasa in the eyes. ''our unit....'' Armin begun ''...the 34th cadet unit.." you started sobbing, tears rolled down your face and soundlessly hit the tiles of the roof.

''Thomas Wagner..Nic Tius...Mylius Zeramuski...Mina Carolina...'' Your heart was racing while he named the dead. You fiercely wrapped your arms around your aching stomach trying to stop the sickness that was boiling inside you. ''..Eren Jaeger..'' a knife felt like it was it was stabbed into you chest and pushed down and down deepening the imaginary wound, your chest was stinging.

''All five of them have fulfilled their duty'' Armin finally said, his fists were clenched beside him. He tried to find an emotion of Mikasa's face but there was none. No hurt or pain. No sadness or sorrow. Nothing. ''And died heroic deaths!" Armin cried out.

''I'm sorry Mikasa'' you finally spoke lifting your head and looking deep into her empty black eyes. ''Eren died in our- no MY stead I couldn't do anything!'' you were crying uncontrollably the tears wouldn't stop they kept coming raining down your face. ''IM SO SORRY!' 'you yelled squeezing your eyes shut. Mikasa bent down in front of you and Armin.

She put a hand on both of your shoulders. ''Armin..y/n..'you looked at Armin and he was already sitting up straight looking at Mikasa, you slowly looked up at her. Now she looked sympathetic. She finally looked caring ''take a deep breath'' she told you two. Something wasn't sitting right with you, Mikasa was suddenly being understanding. ''Stand up'' she said standing then walking away.

Armin wiped his face with his sleeve then helped you up because you couldn't stand due to your broken ankle. He held onto you so you wouldn't fall. ''Stronger then all of you, your all either incompetent or spineless cowards'' Mikasa said with her blade pointed straight forward. You felt so small, it felt like she was talking about you, how you'd injured yourself, how you didn't save Eren from the jaws of that titan. ''MIKASA DONT!'' but she ignored you and zoomed off.

Followed by Jean, Connie, Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt ''HEY! IDIOTS!'' Sasha yelled. Everyone raised there razor sharp blades high above their heads and ran off into battle. ''You shouldn't'' Armin said as you limped towards the edge of the roof. You sighed then turned to him holding his shoulder ''Armin its okay...nothings going to happen'' you reassured him ''how do you know that!?" he was obviously worried ''because we'll be together''. Those four words were all he needed.

''HURRY FOLLOW MIKASA!" Jean ordered as you all glided behind him. ''Hurry lets keep this fight short before we all run out of gas!''. You looked beside you, Armin was a few meters away from you and the happy thing was. He was already staring at you. He was admiring the way your eyes focused forward and how beautiful you looked as you were flying into battle. He loved how strong your were despite loosing your friends and breaking your ankle you still focused on what's important and were able to get up and dust yourself off.

Then Armin's head whipped to he direction of..''MIKASA!'' she had ran out of gas and crashed onto a rooftop. The pair of you were already racing over to here, Connie joined. With Armin in front, you not far behind him and Connie a little ways behind you all hurried to Mikasa's aid ''please be alright Mikasa!'' you thought to yourself. Aloud raw echoed through the air "There!'' Armin yelled pointing to Mikasa who was kneeling on the ground.

Armin swooped in and picked up Mikasa then dropped her down onto the roof. You landed on your back and Connie came in just after to you with a perfect landing on his two feet. ''Mikasa are you hurt?'' Armin asked ''we need to get going-'' Connie paused when a titan walked around the corner standing in front of another one. ''Shit there's two 15-meter titans!" he said. ''No..that titans..'' Mikasa's words trailed off.

You limped over to them standing next to Armin. He snaked his arm around your waist holding your hip opposite to him while you wrapped an arm around his torso to keep yourself up. The two titans rawed at each other both sounds sending a shiver down your back. The titan with the longer hair raised its fists into fighting positon like a human would. This action made everyone gasp.

The shorter haired titan growled then moved towards the opposing titan...then BAM! The long haired monster swung its muscular arm hitting the other right in the face. The force of the blow caused the titans head to come off its shoulder, flying through the air and crashing in a tower sending bricks and shattered glass flying. Its headless body tumbled to the ground the stronger titan lifted its now steaming hand up and examined it.

The skin was off its hand, but in a split second skin and nerves began to grow back on the skeleton. ''It finished the other titan off? it knew of the titans weak point?'' Armin squeezed your hip tighter making you squirm. ''We must get going before it come this way!" Connie barked the order ''No it doesn't care about us'' Armin said now focused on this mystery titan.

''Wouldn't it had attacked us long ago?'' you were beginning to catch onto what Armin was saying. ''Mm'' he nodded keeping his attention on the beast ''It seemed to have hand-to-hand combat experience'' Mikasa said fitting the pieces into the puzzle. ''Just consider it an Abnormal!" Connie almost pleaded ''there's just to much we don't know'' . But that's the point isn't it? No one ever really knew everything bout titans, there was still so much to learn about them so why not want to figure out this titans mystery? ''Anyways we must hurry to HQ'' Connie started walking to the ledge ''Wait!" you stopped him still being held up by Armin.

''Mikasa out of gas!'' you felt the sweat drip down your temple ''Huh!? Are you fucking kidding me!?'' Connie sounded angry ''Connie!" you snapped ''Shut up and leave her alone!'' Armin slid his hand up your waist and placed his hand on the side of your torso massaging your clothed stomach with his thumb, that was his way of telling you to calm down.

''Well what the fuck are we going to do without her!?'' he snarled. Armin sat you down gently and got on is knees ''just take my gas'' WHAT!? ''Armin-'' Mikasa tried to refuse but there was no point ''Its useless to me anyway!" Armin yelled over her ''but please use it carefully this time'' he said in softer tone. ''You must save everyone'' His blue eyes quivering. ''I...'' Mikasa was hesitant take up this offer, after all it was a huge responsibility. Mikasa was the most skilled one here so the weight was on her shoulders and you knew it wasn't light weight either.

''All Right!'' she finally said. Armin finished up replacing her gas with his remaining ''your maneuver gears good to go'' he told her. ''I gave you all blades as well'' he added on. It pained you to see Armin like this, he already felt like a burden to everyone and this whole leaving everything to Mikasa situation wasn't helping at all. ''Just leave one with me''.

'He stared down at his shiny blade that reflected his ocean clue eye that showed nothing but fear ''now that i think about it I don't want to be eaten alive''. Finally, those words were all you needed to know Armin was still there. Mikasa leaned down and plucked the blade out of Armin's grasped then tossed it down, down onto the ground below. It landed with a clatter that was loud due to the deserted streets. ''B-but..'' Armin looked down. Mikasa kneeled beside him.

She put her hand on his making him finally look at her ''Armin..'' she said in a soothing and reassuring voice ''Your not getting left behind'' she told him. Armin stood up then helped you up also. He smiled sweetly and that made you want to cry. It felt like it had been years since you had seen the gorgeous smile of his. That smile that always made your heart flutter.

''We are in this together''

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