Chapter 32: Weak in the knees

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You stood upon the roofs of buildings looking out at the war that raged on around you. Everything you had done in your life had been leading up to this moment, those gruesome training days even the hours spent sitting in class having to listen to words after words. All those things had been preparing for this very day, but...Nothing could ever prepare you for what you were going to experience today. 

''look at it this way Armin, its a golden opportunity. I mean if we prove our worth as soldiers right here  we'll rise up right through the ranks before long we could even be leading our regderment. We can by pass rooky status all together.'' Eren said to Armin with the biggest smile spread across his face. 

You stood on the opposite side of Eren, away from Armin. But this is the moment you realized you messed up, you saw Armin grinning at his best friend the minutes before the three of you were going to head into battle. ''sounds good I'm with you all the way'' Alert said to Eren. You couldn't take this anymore, seeing Armin happy like this you remembered you really missed it. A lot. You stepped passed Eren and moved in front of Armin. 

''Y/n?" Armin was confused by your actions, you swung your arms around his neck hugging him closely and you could hear his rapid heart beat from where your head was pressed against his chest "Armin I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything i said. i-i was just...scared, I didn't want anyone to know but I was afraid too'' you rambled on about how you were sorry and this whole time Armin held onto listening to your apologies.  

''i forgive you'' Armin cuddled you tighter, planting a soft and quick kiss on top of your head. ''now now guys your not the only ones in your class, save some of the glory for the rest of us'' Demanded the black haired girl ''The van guard needs some help!" Yelled someone from another roof. "Right, give them hell!" Eren cried as the rest of you raised your blades high in the air diving into battle. 

You all flew through the air using ODM gear, the wind blew harshly at your face but you didn't mind. Looking around you were all your friends. Thomas, Eren, Armin- Armin. You'd never tell him but he looked so beautiful as he zoomed through the air a stern look on his face. His gorgeous yellow locks flowing in the wind, those blue eyes of his set on his targets. Your was beating with excitement while watching him as he ran along the roofs, his feet pounding onto the tiles with each stride. 

''WE'VE GOT AN ABNORMAL HOLD UP!" Eren yelled. Everyone swerved out of its way landing on roofs tops just as the titan crashed into the tower. You all stood there watching a waiting for the beast to do something Anything! at least. But when it moved its head into view, your knees started to feel weak and your stomach was now in knots. 

Clenched between the titans jaws was Thomas. It was silent as everyone watched Thomas dangle from the mouth of the monster, " me'' he muttered. His eyes looked like the life was getting sucked out of them. The abnormal tilted its head back and Thomas slid into its mouth and down its throat. That's when your legs gave in. 

You dropped onto the tiles of the roof, you fell onto your  knees grabbing on your throat while choked. No one moved, the titan climbed off the tower and began walking away. "YOU BASTARD!!" Eren cried out unlatching his ODM gear from the roof and chasing after the titan. ''Eren!" "wait stay with the group!". Armin bent down and helped you back up then rushed off after Eren. Everyone followed. 

You were at Armin's side when the two of you witnessed Eren getting taken down by a titan. ''Eren!" you yelled. You heard the screams and the cries of your friends. Armin heard it too. It made you want to throw up, you knew you couldn't do anything and that was the worst part about it. Listening to their cries and knowing full well you couldn't save them from the jaws of death. 

Armin felt worse. His whole he had felt like a burden, and like he couldn't help anyone. This just made things so much more worse for the poor boy. Now his legs were begging to give in, what else could he do? All he could do was stand there and listen. Armin couldn't save anyone, Thomas was dead, Eren is on the verge of death and everyone else was being devoured at this very second. The only thing had left right now was, You. He clutched onto your shoulder mainly for support but also to reassure himself that you were still there always by his side. 

"We need to do something!" you yelled before using your ODM gear to swing over to Eren. You bent down placing a hand on his back "Eren! Eren!..please be okay!" you tried lifting him but you didn't have the strength. When you heard a scream coming from behind you, you turned your head in the direction and screamed. Armin was dropped into the titans mouth ''ARMINNN!!" you tried to use your gear but yo just fell. You dropped to the ground down onto the stone path. You didn't care about the sound of bones cracking coming from your foot when you landed. 

You left Armin for a second and he gets eaten. When you looked up Eren was now in the titans mouth gripping onto its teeth ''EREN!" you swung onto the roof where you and Armin stood a few minutes ago. Watching in horror as Eren stood on the beasts tongue and grabbed Armin from the back of its throat. Eren flung Armin out of the mouth and back onto the roof. He landed with a CRASH shattering the tiles around him. 

''EREN!" he yelled as soon as he stood. Jaeger was holding the titans jaws open with pure strength. ''Listen you two' Eren struggled to say while he reached an arm out towards you two ''we're still going to the outside world..the things you've told me about...i have to see them''. ''EREN NO!' Armin started moving towards the edge of the roof reaching for his friend. 

The jaws of the titan snapped shut and Erens arm was chomped off landing on the roof.  Armin screamed a blood curdling scream. He was on his knees on the edge of the roof reaching, screaming and crying for his friend that was eaten right in front of him. You were silent.  You couldn't even scream like Armin, you were in so much shock and horror. Eren was killed right in front of you. And you couldn't do anything about it. 

"I-i was helpless..."

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