Chapter 37: Treason

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It was cold. None of the nights before hand were this cold they had all been fairly warm. But due to the temperature you couldn't sleep, just cuddled up into your blanket and your teeth rattling from how much you were shaking and shivering. A sudden gush of wind blew open your window letting in the even colder night air. That was it. That was the last straw for little miss y/n. You climbed off of the bed and scurried down the small hallway.

Saya began stirring in her sleep waking up to the sound of little feet pitter-pattering towards her door. The black haired woman sat up and looked towards the door, your small figure was outlined as a shadow thanks to the moonlight that shone through the thin curtains that were draped over the window. "Y/n what's wrong baby?" She questioned rubbing her tired eyes "I'm cold..and it's dark" you shifted your feet a little and tugged at the end of your shirt you wore to bed. It was quiet except for the howling of the fierce wind outside the house. "Come here" she said opening her arms beckoning you to her.

Your face lit up in happiness and you ran through the darkness and leaped into Saya's loving arms that were held open for you and you only. She peppered your cheeks with soft kisses making you giggle "shhh we can't wake Rei" you said smiling. "To late" he said sitting up groaning. Once his eyes were fully open he swung his arm over you and Saya then pushed the two of down onto the bed.

"Sleep now" he said caging you and Saya against the bed with his muscular arm. Saya reached over and played with Reis short brown hair then kissed your forehead "goodnight my baby"

You gasped and your eyes widened as you were pulled out of that sudden flashback of your childhood. By why? Why were you having these memories come back to you? Did this mean something? Are they dead? Are they safe? You head was spinning with questions. But right now I wasn't a great time to be hanging these flashbacks. Eren was now awake and was sitting up.

"Your all gonna die" his mouth curved into a smile that made the hairs on the back of neck rise and send goosebumps rippling across your skin. Armin was just as frightened as you "E-Eren.." he gasped holding the boy. Wrens eyes suddenly widened like he had woken from a dream, finally he looked up and noticed you and MIKASA standing side by side facing all the soldiers that stood before you. "Look at me" Armin pleaded to Eren "Eren can you move?..can you hear me? Say something!?" Armin was practically begging to Eren.

"Listen you've got to tell them everything, they're terrified but they'll understand" Eren looked at Armin confused "Armin..why-" Erens words were cut short by someone in the crowd "Did you catch that he said were gonna die!" They announced "there's not much else you can make of that" someone else said with the sound of a scoff in his voice. "That son of a bitch wants to eat us" the same man said "you watch!". This infuriated you. How dare they ever say something horrible about Eren!? Yes everyone saw that he was the fighting titan that Eren was the one that aloud all those soldiers to escape that building. He meant well.

"Cadets Eren Jeager! Mikasa Ackerman! Armin Arlert! And y/n Krieger!" "Oh...They called me by Rei's last name.." "The four of you have jointly committed an act of high treason! Whether or not the swift execution is the result depends on you!". You glanced over at Mikasa who was completely unfazed by this mans words and threats. "Any attempt to move where you stand now anything I deem the least bit suspicious will be met with cannon fire do not test me!" "ANSWER CAREFULLY!" He shouted none of you spoke. "Eren Jeager what are you!? Human or titan!?".

This was a question that bounced around your brain. What was Eren? He was your friend since you were young wasn't he? Your grown up with him. He was human. Was he not?. No one spoke for a few moments. Everyone in the crowd looked at Eren like he was some sort of monster, they had the same look of fear on the face that would make you people think they were staring at the face of a titan. Eren was the who broke this deadly silence "I'm sorry sir! I don't understand!" He told them and when he did so they looked taken back and offended.

"Answer me damn you! Invasion will get you no where don't try to stall and pretend ignorance you won't stand a chance! You'll be blown to heal before you can assume your true form!" He barked at your four mainly at Eren though. His words were starting to get to you. He's a mad man, he's actually going to kill you all without a second thought. Armin could see from where he was crouched bride Eren that you had a look of panic painted on your face. He reached over and wrapped his hand around yours that was clutching the blade. His touch did not make you flinch nor did it startle you, you knew right away it was Armin. You found his touch comforting, soothing and calming. He knew all this.

"Umm..what true form?" Eren asked you could hear the pure confusion in his raised voice "please those of us saw it happen!" He yelled back disgusted "You emerged from the carcass of a fallen titan in full view of your comrades! Now I don't have the time nor the man power to waste on you anymore!". That's when Mikasa stepped forward, you tried to follow but Atkins grip was strong and he wasn't going to risk it so he held you back. "Excuse me, I wouldn't not while im standing here" Her face was dark she showed no expression but anger. You turned around lifted Armin hand to your lips and kissed it then hurried to Mikasas side "not while we are standing here" you added.

She gave you a side glance and lightly nodded. "Unless anyone's feelings up to the task, in which case I'm happy to demonstrate my own technique..on you" she slowly lifted the blades. "And all your pathetic soldiers" you added "okay somebody talk to me now" Eren aggressively whispered "the hell is all this" "You two alone can't take them all on" Armin said "even if you took down a few there's no where left for you to run". Neither of you turned around to face him "Whoever comes at any of you deals wit-" "They deal with us" Mikasa interrupted you "We'll take the entire regiment if we have to". You nodded "No. this isn't the only way, they're just scared they don't know what's happening. We need to calm down and just talk it out".

Armins words made you hold your blades even tighter. You'd completely forgotten about your broken ankle but that was a good thing, thinking about it just made it hurt. You didn't want to argue with Armin again. No not now. It when you were all on the verge of death. It when you could lose him. "One more time!" You all looked back up at the voice "Are you a titan or not!?". Eren was lost in thoughts, Everyone Everyone was watching, and waiting for an answer. "IM HUMAN!" Eren yelled at the top of his lungs.

Nothing could be heard but the wind that was speeding up. "So you say, I'm left with no choice" The man began slowly raising his hand to signal the firing of the cannon. His actions made you all freeze "forgive me.." this was it "..but when push comes to shove.." death was about to rain on you all "..all of us are monsters.." his hand was then then flicked into the air raised high. Mikasa swiftly grabbed your hand and started running "Armin head for the wall" she told him rushing past she let go of your hand and picked Eren up and the same time Armin lifted you up and headed to the wall

"No wait!"

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