Chapter 39: Fear

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Y/n could partly see through the steam. She watched as Armin ran forward with his arms up blocking his face "HA- HALT! HALT!" Y/n heard guns being cocked and could see the sun glimmer of the metal of the barrels. Armin stood in front of them all with his hands and arms up "This is supposed to be a true born monster! I don't by it I'll give the signal to fire I mean it!" The man boomed. "Eren is not a foe of humanity!" Armin yelled his arms still raised in the air.

Y/n hadn't noticed she was holding onto Erens forearm her grip tightening when Armin spoke nails digging into his skin but he didn't care he was too was on edge. "We're willing to cooperate with military command and share everything we've learned about his powers!" Mikasa could see the mans expression grow darker "Your please fall on deaf ears! He revealed his true form and because of that threat he cannot leave her alive! If you insist he's not an enemy of ours show me proof! Otherwise we'll blast them back to whatever nightmare he crawled out of!" Armin refused to be shut down like this "You don't need any proof! The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter what we perceive him to be!" Y/n could hear the slight tremble in his voice signaling the fear he was keeping buried deep inside of his. "WHAT!?"

He took in a deep breath then continued "The reports say hundreds of soldiers saw him and those who were there say they saw him fighting other Titans! And that means they saw him get swarmed by the Titans as well" ARMINS words of truth were leaving the people wide eyed and speechless "To put it plainly the Titans saw him the same way they see each and every human being AS THEIR PREY!" AND IT DOESNT HOW ELSE YOU MAY LOOK AT IT THAT IS AN IRREFUTABLE FACT!". At that moment y/n wanted to race over to him and tell him how well he's doing how well he's handling it all but..The girl also knew he was doing this for them all he wanted her to stay away from him so he could protect her.

That's when whispers were heard among the crowd of soldiers then, they lowered their blades and guns. Their commander looked quite taken back by these events he looked around then looked down. His hand and head suddenly rose and he yelled "PREPARE TO ATTACK!" Y/n was clawing Erens arm that little blood drops ran down his arm silently hitting the ground. Again Eren was to focused on Armin to care. "Don't let yourself display by his cunning lies!" All the soldiers shared the same expressions. Fear and confusion.

"The Titans behaviour has always been beyond our comprehension, I wouldn't put tit past him to assume human form he's speaking our language" Eren moved forward a little as if ready to pounce as the mans voice stuttered "in an attempt to deceive us! I REFUSE TO LET THEM CONTINUE THIS BEHAVIOUR!" The sound of metal moving frightened Y/n blades were being raised along with guns. At that moment Armin felt as if he had failed. Failed to protect Mikasa, Eren and y/n he had failed them all. His friends had put so much trust into him and he broke it by not being able to do what he promised he could.

Armin turned back to look at them and the trio had the darkest and angriest expressions on their faces, that's when Eren nodded slightly. The blond boy gasped then turned back to face the soldiers, his right hand was moved so he had his fist over his head and his left hand behind his back. He was saluting. "I am a soldier! And I have dedicated my heart to the restoration of humanity SIR!" Goosebumps formed on y/ns arms making her shiver "Nothing can make me prouder then dying for such a noble cause" The h/c haired girl felt the tears run down her cheeks but she ignored them.

"If we were to use his titan ability and combine it with the we have left, I believe we can do it! We can retake this city! Or humanities glory in what little time I have left to live..I WILL ADVOCATE HIS STRATEGIC VALUE!!" The tears wouldn't stop but it's not like y/n cared anyway. Her fingers and Erens arm covered in his own blood. It was a stupid moment to cry yes but, the girl cried because she couldn't ho in the fear any longer. The fear that they would all die and the fear that Armin..That Armin will die thinking he failed them all. "Captain Foreman his words are worth considering sir maybe we should-" the soldier didn't get to finish his sentence "QUIET!" The captain barked.

He went silent and whilst doing so slowly raised his arm. Eren began raising his hand to his mouth, Mikasa reached for her blades and so did Y/n. Just as his arm was raised above his head a hand grasped the back of his arm stopping his movements "that's enough" a voice said behind him "you should really do something about your nervous disposition captain foreman"  when the hand let go of Foreman the mans face was revealed "C-commander Pixis.." The bald man walked toward the edge of the stairs " Can you not see this soldiers heartfelt salute?" He asked as he looked at Armin in admiration as the boy stood there saluting with his eyes shut.

This left Foreman speechless. "I've only just arrived but I'm quite aware of our situation. Gather our reinforcements" These words made Armin who was sweaty, dirty and extremely tired out drop to his knees "I think we could at least do these young soldiers the favour of hearing them out." Armin was panting but he was smiling, so was Mikasa Eren and Y/n. She was so proud of him, his hard work to save them all from a horrible death. Armin turned around to face her. Just y/n. He looked into her beautiful e/c eyes and he cried. Hot little tears poured down his face. The boy raced over to the girl and dropped to his knees half way causing him to slide the rest of the way until he had her in his arms his face buried in y/no chest.

She kissed his head then grabbed his cheeks making him look up at her. It was hard to see through the tears but nonetheless she pressed her forehead against his "I love you too" and he pressed him lips against hers and brought her body closer to his. This time the kiss was different. The kiss told her he loved her. Because he did he loved her with everything things he had. "Rude" Eren said sarcasm in his voice. Both Y/n and Armin giggled then he turned to his friends "You did good Armin" Eren said pulling his best friend into a tight hug and patting his back "Told you I could do it" Armin smiled but frowned looking at Erens arm "Why are you bleeding?" He asked. Eren laughed "Ask your girlfriend" he said. "I was nervous okay" she laughed nervously rubbing her nape. "Well done Armin" Mikasa smiled. The blond boy nodded towards her.

"We're so proud of you"

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