(Part 2 Chapter 12) A sick day

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(Your P.O.V.)

*Cough* * Cough*

"Oh my, no there is no way you can go to school in this condition," Toriel said after she measured fever. "Well guess I will have to give the word that both of you are missing today."

"What both?" I mumbled confused. "Yes, it seems Chara caught a cold too."
"WHAT! Is she alright? Argh..." I straightened up in bed but laid down instantly again due to the headache.

"Don't worry, she's in a similar condition to yours." Toriel giggled a bit, "Even though it is somewhat adorable how you care about her."
"I'm only joking, anyway me and Frisk we'll be off then. If it gets worse call me please." She said before leaving the room.

~about 30 minutes later~

AHHH! I'm bored! I can't sleep, I can't... Wait a second. I grabbed my phone from the desk next to the bed. And I texted Chara...

You: Hey, you awake?

Chara: Yeah, you're sick too?

You: Yup... :(

Chara: Well what now? I'm bored as hell!

You: Same here!

Chara: ...

You: ...

You: Hey! I have an idea! How about we make a pillow fort on the couch?

Chara: Pfff, a pillow fort? You serious?

You: ok nevermind...

Chara: That's an amazing idea! Let's do that!

~One grabbing pillows, blankets, something to watch on the TV, and hot chocolate later~

After a while, we both sat on the couch laying on as many pillows as we could find, both of us with our fluffy sweaters we got from Toriel, wrapped in a few blankets, and watching a series AND drinking hot chocolate.

"Hehe, this is WAY better to spend the sick day." Chara laughed, with a bit of a sore voice before taking a sip of her mug.
"Oh yes, better than laying in the bed doing nothing." I agreed. "I'm still confused about how you can get sick, monsters are normally not affected by stuff like a cold," Chara said.
I snored, "Well, sadly I'm only a half-monster, the other half is still vulnerable human."
I shrugged, "Even tho it happens not often I still can get sick."
"Ah, I see." She replied before sneezing.

"Hey (Y/N)?" She asked while holding her mug a little tighter. "I didn't get to apologize for my behavior that day." I gave her a genuine smile, "Hey it's alright."

"It's just... I always heard how great sexual experiences are. And now I can have those with you and I think that overwhelmed me? I don't know how to put it into words." She awkwardly rubbed the back of her head.
"Hehe, like I said it's alright. I don't mind it with a gorgeous girl like you are~" That made her blush a deep red.
"WHYYYY? Why I'm I still getting flustered when you flirt with me?" She mumbled into one of the pillows. "Well, maybe 'cause you're not used to it?"
"That's probably it..."

"So have been outwitted by a rat?"
"They do say that's are really intelligent."
"More intelligent than you, it would seem."

"Pfff, these two idiots are hilarious!" Both of us laughed, "I bet one of them is gonna die." Chara joked. Then we both were silent for a while, "It did felt nice." Chara stated. "What did feel nice?"
"It felt good when you came inside of me, filling me with your cum. Making feel a little messy inside~ Hehe." She smirked seductively, "Hehe, and when you shoved my cock almost down your throat."

"Well, I have experiences with that..." I raised an eyebrow, "I almost choked on a lollipop once ok?" She said kinda embarrassed. "Oh"...

"I'm home!" Toriel called when she opened the door, as soon as she stepped into the living room she laughed a bit when she saw us buried under blankets and pillows. "Haha, it appears you two got bored with just laying around." Chara sneezed loudly into her arm while I answered.
"Well it's a little more entertaining, isn't it?" Toriel laughed again. "I suppose that's true. Do want anything? A warm soup maybe?"
"Yeah, that sounds good," Chara replied while I blew my nose in a tissue. Toriel went then into the kitchen and after a while came back with two bowls of warm chicken soup, which we gladly enjoyed.

"I'm home! And how are the sick lovey-dovey's doing?" Frisk came in an hour later, then she noticed us and sat onto the couch with a bit of distance. "Hey, Frisk," Chara said with a sore voice, which made Frisk look a little worried. "Oh my, sounds it got you pretty bad huh? How are you two?"
"Could be better."
"Could be worse." We replied. "Well, I hope you two get better soon... It's kinda lonely in school without you."
"We'll say our immune systems to hurry the shite up, ok?" Chara joked. Then Toriel peeked out of the kitchen, "Language my child!"
"Sorry, mom." Chara hid a bit behind her blanket.


(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter!
Or in general, for the very inconsistent chapter length.

Artwork by: Nojida
(Adorableness over 9000!)

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