Chapter 21: Not Safe Yet!

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Chapter 21 already, I'm so happy with all the reads this has gotten so far Already past 300!

Anyway on with the chapter I guess..

Start of recap...

Suddenly, the heavy corpse of the Great Goblin lands on the wreckage, squishing the dwarves further. They cry out in pain.

[Dwalin:] “You’ve got to be joking!”

Calen snickers at the Dwarves.

As the  dwarves extricate themselves from the rubble, Kili looks up and sees thousands of goblins running at them.

[Kili:] “Gandalf!”

[Dwalin:] “There’s too many! We can’t fight them.”

[Gandalf:] “Only one thing will save us: daylight! Come on! Here, on your feet!”

The dwarves get up quickly, helping each other out of the rubble, and they run away, following Gandalf.

Calen runs as fast as she can next to gandalf keeping close to him.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Still invisible, Bilbo runs down the mountain after the rest of the Company.

Far in front of him, Gandalf pauses to count how many dwarves are with him. The dwarves pause to collect their breath.

[Gandalf:] “Five, six, seven, eight...Bifur, Bofur...that’s ten...Fili, Kili...that’s twelve...and Bombur-

"I'm here Gandalf don't forget me" yells Calen grinning up at Gandalf jumping a bit, her face is covered in mud and blood form her or the Goblins she had killed.

Gandalf smiles down at the little elfling, ruffling her hair playfully, "of course Calen I couldn't forget about you now could I" he says smiling.

The elfling then runs over to Kili nad jumps on to his back.

Gandalf smiled and went back to counting the Dwarves.

"- that makes thirteen. Where’s Bilbo? Where is our Hobbit? Where is our hobbit?!”

[Dwalin:] “Curse the halfling! Now he’s lost?!”

[Gloin:] “I thought he was with Dori!”

[Dori:] “Don’t blame me!”

[Gandalf:] “Well, where did you last see him?”

[Nori:] “I think I saw him slip away, when they first collared us.”

[Gandalf:] “What happened exactly? Tell me!”

'Bilbo hurry up and come out' Calen begged silently as the Dwarves started shouting at each other.

Bilbo, still invisible, has caught up to the rest of the group. He hides behind a tree as Thorin speaks.

[Thorin:] “I’ll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He’s thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door! We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone.”

I'm an Elfling!(The Hobbit fanfiction) (Book I) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora