Chapter 16: Is it done

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"Boss, we have the kid," One of my henchman said while he bowed in front of my desk. I sat, facing the window and looking out of it. But, when I heard the words coming from his mouth, I slowly turned my chair around to face him. He slowly stood upright - not making eye contact. I smiled at this action loving the feeling of fear I emit, which made people cower in front of me. "What have you done with our new guest?" I asked them with my signature sinister smirk and my cold bright blue eyes staring them down. "We showed him to his special room that he'll be staying in," He said still avoiding eye contact. My smile widened at the comment. "Good, now leave. I want to be alone," I told them, turning my chair back to face the window. I heard the door to my office close. I stood up and walked around my office until I reached the front of my desk. I sat on the edge, facing my glass display cabinet. It showed off all my weapons. I walked over to the cabinet and placed my hand on the glass over one of my gold and silver custom made guns. "Oh, how I can't wait to use this on you, (Y/n). My hands are itching to get a hold of you, but - alas - good things come to those who wait," I said, making my way back to my seat and looking out the window.


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