Chapter 12: Trouble in paradise (Part 2)

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Y/n's P.O.V

When I was done making myself look at least a bit presentable, I made my way to the kitchen. As I descended the stairs, I could hear how the boys were making a ruckus in the kitchen. Though, as soon as I got in the kitchen, silence fell upon them and there was this awkward vibe. Me being me, I was not going let that little awkwardness spoil that laughter I had just heard a few seconds ago. "What we all staring at?" I asked, because I noticed how they were all looking at me. "Oh no, nothing," Jin said with a smirk, so I just brushed it off. I made my way to my seat, which was next to Kookie. "So guys, I've been thinking about how I address you, so would you guys mind me calling you oppa from now on?" I said. I looked at each and every one of them to see their reactions. The first thing I saw was Namjoon looking at me as if I had just sworn at him. "What?" I questioned. "Nothing, just... why'd you decide to bring the topic up now?" Yoongi asked. "Just trying to start up a conversation," I said, cramming my mouth with more food. "Okay then?" Yoongi said, shooting me a questioning look. "So what is the verdict guys?" I asked, finishing up the last of my lunch. "Well, if that's what you want then sure. It's fine with us right guys?" Jimin said, looking at the rest of them to see if they approve of what he had just said. Everyone nodded in agreement. 

"Perfect," I said, standing up and taking my plate to the sink to wash up. "I'll do the dishes!" I yell, standing at the sink already. "I'll help," another voice coming from next to me said causing me to jump. I turn to see Jungkook oppa. "Aigoo Oppa, don't sneak up on me like that!" I whined, holding onto my chest. "Mianhae, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, looking at me apologetically. "Arasseo, I should of paid attention." The two of us went to the dinning room to collect the rest of the dirty dishes. I dried, while Jungkook Oppa washed. I watched him very attentively as he washed the dishes. "You missed a spot," I pointed it out to him. "Really, where?" He looked at me with confusion. "Over there." I moved his hand on the spot. "Okay," he said as he lifted his hand and shook some water on me before continuing to wash the spot with a sly smile on his face. "Hey, you did that on purpose," I said, while turning my whole body to face him. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said, trying to hide a smile. "Oh, so is that how you wanna play? Then game on," I said with an evil smirk on my face. I turned to the now empty sink that was still filled with water and foam. Jungkook Oppa noticed where my eyes were pointed at. He immediately realized what I was planning, but reacted too late. I ended up throwing him with a hand full of foam. Water soaked his hair and the top half of his white T-shirt. I started laughing at the soaking wet Santa in front of me. "Oh, so you think this is funny?" he asked, eye balling me with his evil eyes. "What are you planning?" I said, eyeing him. He started walking closer to the sink, but me being the dumb girl I am didn't notice. "Oh, nothing just... THIS!" He picked up a bowl scooping up water in it and soaking me in it. "Oh, Oppa you are so gonna get it," I said, picking up my own bowl and throwing him. But this time, I soaked him fully. "Ha! Got you!" I exclaimed. We kept throwing each other with water, until Jin Oppa came in at the wrong time. Me and Jungkook Oppa filled the bowls up again. "What are you two up t-" Oppa said in the crossfire when me and Jungkook threw him with water by accident. I tried to hold in my laughter at the now soaking wet Jin. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Jin oppa! It was a complete accident I didn't mean to," I said, covering my mouth, so I won't laugh. "Sorry, Hyung," Jungkook Oppa apologized, while he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Jin Oppa stood there, while he wiping his face. He said nothing as he looked at the mess we had made. "Look what the two of you did," he said, blowing up at us. I knew this was coming. I was waited for it. "I know it looks bad, but we can clean it up," I started saying when Jin Oppa looked at us. He lifted his hands in a way to tell us 'no'. 

"No, don't touch anything. I'll clean it up. You two just go and dry yourselves off or something," he said, practically pushing us into the living room where everyone else was watching TV. Jin Oppa walked back into the kitchen, pushing his soaking wet hair out of his eyes. Me and Jungkook Oppa looked at each other and started laughing. "Did we miss something?" Yoongi Oppa asked. Me and Jungkook just carried on laughing. "Why are you both soaking wet?" Namjoon Oppa asked us. Me and Jungkook Oppa looked at each other like we were having a silent argument on who's going to tell them. "Um... well, you see we were..." I trailed off. "They were throwing each other with water." Jin Oppa shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah, that," Jungkook Oppa said, motioning his head in the direction of the kitchen. "I'm not even gonna ask why," Namjoon Oppa said, fixing his attention to the TV screen. "Well, I'm gonna dry off," I said, heading up the stairs. "Cool," one of them yelled from downstairs.

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