02 | I can't see

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Haeyoung P.O.V.

"So, about the Criminal... No one knows how he looks, right?", Mark asked while we got out of our department, the Crime Investigation Department.

"That's right. But I bet he is a grandpa or something who has spent his whole life dealing with drugs and murders... He definetely doesn't do his jobs by himself. He sure has men for that...", Hyejin remarked.

"I don't think so", Taeyong argued. "I think he's a young man that had a shitty childhood and that's why he acts like this. You know, like in movies... He seems to genuinely enjoy what he's doing, like he's taking revenge for what some people did to him. And if he had men for that, as you said, Hyejin, how do you explain the exact same way he kills his victims? He shoots them on the forehead, facing them, not hiding from them. And the C he engraves on their chest? He wants to be seen. Not everyone could do that".

"Yeah, whatever", Hyejin surrendered and fell in Taeyong's arms.

"Okay, lovebirds, but what if the Criminal is a woman?" Byulyi yelled, proud of her thought.

"Don't be stupid, Byulyi! No woman would be capable of all this!" Baekhyun commented.

Byulyi glared at him.

"Hey! Don't underestimate women's power, you misogynistic monster!", I shouted at him and hit his arm.

"I'm creepin' in your heart, babe...", he singed Monster by EXO carelessly.

Tch... This boy!

"You are such a crackhead!" I told him laughing.

I got my glasses off to wipe them. I took my backpack in my hands and tried to find my handkerchief.

Ah..! I have probably forgot it at home...

Nevermind. I will wipe them with a tissue.

"Officer Kim Haeyoung".

Senior Inspector Lee. Crap. What does he want?!

"Yes, sir?" I stopped walking and so did the others.

"You take over the Shi Yangwon case from now on. Come to my office to... talk about it".

A case of my own...? What?! For real? This is my first case ever!

"Oh my gosh! Yes, o-of course!"

He started walking; he never waits for no one. But I couldn't care less at that moment. I was beyond happy.

Good luck next time, losers, I mouthed to my friends, who watched me getting farther and farther, towards the inspector's office.

"Haeyoung", Ten grabbed me from my arm, preventing me from walking.

I gave him a look of confusion.

"Be careful with him. Okay?"

Why is he saying that all of a sudden? Yes, Mr. Lee is a cold and grumpy man but he isn't going to eat me.

"No need to worry, Ten. He can't hurt me..."

"Just-... Promise me".

"Alright! I promise! Tell the others not to wait for me. You can all go. Goodnight", I smiled and he whispered a "night" back.

I knocked on Lee's door and he forced a "come in".

He was siting on the sofa. I bowed and he told me to sit down pointing the empty space next to him.

This is rather embarrassing. I sat where he pointed, but a little further away.

I was very nervous. This man always made me feel somehow uneasy.

"So, Ms. Kim", he commenced and slid closer to me. I slid farther away till I reached the end of the sofa. "You are a really good officer, that is why I gave you the case anyway. You... are very talented and intelligent..." He caressed my leg "... and pretty-"

I stood up from my seat and looked at him with anger boiling in my lungs.

"Mr. Lee are you hitting on me?! You thought that... if you gave me the case, you could have me? Do you think this is how things work? Well, not for me.  If that's why you are being so 'generous' and giving me the case, then I don't want it! How dare you?!"

I know that Lee's temper is really bad, but I was so angry that I couldn't care less about his furrowed eyebrows and red face.

He then got up and grabbed my wrist. "I am superior to you! Watch your words, Kim!"

I twisted his wrist and pushed him back. "We have received the same training, Mr. Lee, so that kind of tricks don't work on me. And if you think that I will shut my mouth just because you are superior, think again! I will report you to Superintendent Kim Kibum for sexual harassment and blackmail!"

I almost ran towards the door, because, although I tried my best to seem fearless to him, on the inside, I was shivering out of fear.

Once I closed the door behind me, I walked with quick steps towards the exit.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled, feeling a burden leaving my shoulders.

I was really shocked. I knew that Lee Jinki wasn't the best kind of person, but I could never think of that. That pervented asshole! Oh my gosh! I'm disgusted by him!

"Should I walk home?", I debated with myself out loud. "I will get tired though. My house is far away. But I need some fresh air... I will walk and once I get tired, I'll get a taxi", I decided.

I put my 5th pair of airpods in my ears, since I lost all my previous pairs. However, I promised myself that would be the last one to buy.

I played Don't Wanna Cry by SEVENTEEN, because I had the need to be sorrowful and because that was my mood exactly how I felt.

I can't believe this has just happened to me. I really thought that for the first time I got my own case! But that jerk gave it to me, not because I deserved it, but because he probably wanted to fuck me.

Good gracious, how was I so stupid? I should have suspected it from the beginning.

My eyes started burning and I blinked again and again not wanting to cry.

Like- why would he do that? Am I not worth it?

I felt hopeless, helpless, clueless and all these kind of words. My hot tears streamed down my face and I hugged my shoulders in an attempt to keep my body warm. Thank God my mascara is waterproof... or else I would look much worse.

I want my brother...

I started walking towards the other direction, where Jongin's house is located. I grabbed my phone from my backpack to look at the time – 22:17 – but I was too lazy to put it back in and I dropped it into my coat's pocket.

As I was walking, I felt the number of people in the streets decreasing and – I'm not gonna lie – I felt a little scared. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to get the shortcut...

Don't talk nonsense, Haeyoung. You were trained for this shit. You can walk through a not-so-crowded street!

I felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around and there was no one.

I am so freaking scared that I'm seeing ghosts...

I started walking again and someone's hands pulled me in an alley.

My heart skipped a lot of beats and I let out a small gasp of fright. I freaking dropped my glasses and now it was even darker than it already was.

I tried to kick them, however they seemed like they knew wrestling themselves and they knocked me out.

I can't see... I can't see where they are. My sight was so poor especially in the dark.

Before I could react, they hugged me from behind and put a tissue soaked in probably ether that made me lose my senses on the spot.

Criminal || Lee Taemin FFWhere stories live. Discover now