20 | unveiled

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Haeyoung's P.O.V.

My jaw dropped at the sight of him, mostly because I don't remember seeing him like that ever again. My muscles tensed and my body froze. I wanted to cry for no specific reason, but I restrained myself. I forced my hands to push the door closed, however, he blocked the way with his foot. I sighed, blinking fast in an attempt to dry my tears, which started forming in my eyes.

"Please, Haeyoung", he pleaded.

I drugged him inside after I made sure no one saw him enter the apartment.

"How did you find me? How did you know I was alone? But what did I say, you know everything!" I mocked him.

"I wanted to talk to you. Spear me some time".

His beautiful dark eyes, who once pierced my soul with their intimidation, now looked down at mine with grief.

I sat myself on the sofa giving him a chance to explain himself.

He took a deep breath and started talking. "I don't want your forgiveness. This is totally up to you. I just want you to hear me out. I am so sorry for not telling you anything about all this".

"You know that a simple 'sorry' won't change anything, don't you?"

"Yes, I'm aware of that. I knew your sister. Very well, I could say. More specifically, I loved her".

His words transformed into daggers nailed in my skin.

"How can you say that you loved her, when you've killed her? This is not an act of love!"

"I haven't killed her... Fuck, I knew you would've assumed that. Listen, we met at a bar almost 5 years ago. She was locked in the bathroom. She was claustrophobic and was totally freaked out. I heard her screams for help and I helped her get out. We started dating and we fell in love".

Ah, fell in love... Such an easy and complicated phrase at the same time.

"Why didn't she tell me anything about your relationship?"

"She didn't want to admit that she was in love to anyone. You knew her better than me, so you understand... Months later, she found out about the real me and... she broke up with me. She was really hurt. So was I. And a few days later, I found out about her death through TV. I believe that this is why she committed suicide".

"Don't overestimate yourself. My sister wouldn't kill herself because of a man!"

"How do you know that? Had she ever fell in love before meeting me?"

He was right. Seoin hadn't fell in love with someone before Taemin. Or she simply hadn't told me so.

"You had the motive though!" I answered back. "You wanted to take revenge, because she dumped you! You directed the perfect murder; you made it seem like a suicide that the victim tried to make it seem like a murder. But when the police looked into the case closer, it seemed impossible to be a murder since there was no evidence! And they decided to cover it up by blaming Seoin! And I bet she was the first and last person you didn't even dare to shoot face to face! You chickened out! You're a coward, a jerk-"

"Shut up!" he yelled out sitting up.

Of course! I hurt his pride!

"These are all just assumptions! I haven't killed Seoin! She was trying to play mysterious tricks with her death, that's all!"

"No, you shut up!" I tied my hair up upset. "I'm tired of you blaming my sister for her own death! Yes, what I said may be all assumptions, but why should I believe your claims? You've never told me anything true till today. You're a liar! And a monster too. You weren't even content to Seoin's death, even if it was a suicide, as you said. You wanted me to suffer as well. Why? I'm freaking asking you why!" Holding back the river of my tears was now pointless. "What did I do to you, huh?"

His eyes teared up a bit too, but I'm not sure about it. He is incapable of crying.

"I-... I wanted to take revenge at first. I admit it. Seoin had once told me she had a younger sister who was a high school student and that she really cherished. She told me everything about you. That your name was Haeyoung. That your original name was supposed to be Jaein, but once your parents saw your resemblance with her, they change it to Haeyoung, so that you won't have a similar name too. When I heard a Kim Haeyoung was investigating my last murder and Lucas sent me a photo of you, I was shocked it was really you. This was my chance to make Seoin suffer by watching me torture her beloved sister".

How can he even mouth all this?! My heart can't stand it...

"At first, I was charmed by your similarity with Seoin. You reminded me of her. But soon I realised you were nothing like her. You were the complete opposite and I liked that. But, most importantly, you loved me for who I am and not for who I chose to be.That's the biggest difference between you and Seoin. You loved that monster in me even if you cursed it sometimes. You saw right through that and fell in love with a version of myself even I didn't know it existed. You make me a better person, Haeyoung. Don't leave me".

His words touched my heart. And they were true indeed. I fell in love with him, but the feelings aren't mutual.

"And why should I? I won't tell the police on you if that's what you worry about".

"Haeyoung..." he exhaled while he shove his hands in his hair and came near me. "I love you".

"No, you don't", I refused to believe it. It's implausible! He can't have feelings for me...

"Yes, I do. You can't change my feelings towards you", he insisted and tried to grab my hands.

"Don't! Don't touch me..." I muttered.

He stepped back hanging his hands down.

"Even if you do have feelings for me, it's not right. I can't accept the fact that you killed-"

"I said I haven't killed her!" he exclaimed frustrated.

"Anyway! You deceived me".

"Haeyoung, please... I know you love me".

"It doesn't matter! Taemin, please leave..."

"Come on, Hae-"

"Get out!" I whisper-yelled another tear escaping my eyes. I haven't had any strength left.

He looked down disappointed and turned around to leave. "As you wish", be murmured while leaving my pair of glasses I had forgot at his house on the coffee table.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

Shit, it's Wheein!

Taemin looked at me surprised while I mouthed him: "Go to my room, first door, to the left and stay there until I say so, understood?"

He nodded and did as I said. I stood before the mirror, wiped my tears off and then gripped the doorknob.

Criminal || Lee Taemin FFWhere stories live. Discover now