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Haeyoung's P.O.V.

I woke up at my brother's guest room. I felt so cold, but it wasn't due to the low temperature of the room. I felt cold because I felt alone. I'm far away from him. I feel nothing but pain.

But leaving him was the right decision, right?

I will get over him. My heart just need some time...

I haven't even realised that I was crying. I heard a light knock on the door that caught me off guard. I got used to people just intrude in my private space without warning. It was weird.

"Come in", I soft yelled while I wiped off my tears.

After my permission, Jongin opened the door using his back, as his hands were busy holding a big tray full of different foods and drinks for breakfast.

"Good morning", he told me grinning widely.

"Good morning", I forced a smile.

"I made you breakfast. You have lost a lot of weight... Even your cheeks aren't pinkish anymore", his look got slightly worried and concerned.

"I'm okay..." I murmured.

"Where are your glasses?"

Oh... He's right. My sight is kind of blurry. I brought my palms on my nose and nothing was there.

"I... forgot to take them with me".

That's something new!

"Look, you don't have to talk to me right now... I know how you may feel... But I want you to trust me and share that burden with me when you are ready, okay? Like the old times".

I couldn't spell a word. I just wrapped my arms around his shoulders and found comfort in my brother's hug.

Even though, I try so hard to erase Taemin from my memories, I can't. I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he aware of my absence already?"


Taemin's P.O.V.

Ugh... My head felt so heavy. The worst hungover I've ever experienced. And believe me, I've experienced a lot of hungovers in my 28 years.

I got up from bed and walked towards the kitchen. Holly shit, I don't remember anything. What happened last night?

On my way to the kitchen, I tripped over some papers on the floor. What are these? Why are they here.

I kneeled down to see them up close. They are photos... Please don't be what I've just imagined. A photo of me and Seoin caught my eye.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Haeyoung?!" I yelled out, agony reaching my lungs and blocking the air I breathed. "Haeyoung!"

I searched the whole damn house and she wasn't there. Damn, what did I do, what did I say to her yesterday? How did she found these photos? The truth slipped my mouth last night, when I was high?

No matter how, she discovered everything. She may think I'm her sister's killer too. How did we ended up like this? How?! My most well-hidden secret was now revealed by the last person I wanted to find out about. The thing I was afraid the most all this time eventually happened. Of course, I knew some day she would find out the truth, but I didn't know it would happen so early.

I got in her bedroom and sat on her bed.

I fucking screwed up! I screwed it all up!

"Ughhhh!" I flipped over the bed's mattress to relieve myself from the raising rage inside me. I opened her closet and threw all her clothes out except for one; the blue dress she wore that night. That night was the best night of my entire life. I can't see this dress anymore... I ripped it apart and flew it around the room.

"Haeyoung!", I shouted out miserably. "Where are you?"


A week later

Haeyoung's P.O.V.

The news were literally buzzing about my return all week. Bunches of reporters followed Jongin around everywhere asking him lots of questions about me and not letting him do his work in peace.

I was locked in his apartment, not daring to sneak out, afraid that the crowd will shallow me once I set foot outside. Cameras and correspondents were gathered at the entrance of Jongin's block of flats from dusk till down.

I don't know what's so special about my return that they sacrifice their whole time waiting for me to go down in vain. For example, a little girl was thrown down the window by her parents two days ago and the press didn't create such a fuss! For God's sake!

I was now observing them from the window sitting on the doorsteps and staring at the floor. I wonder, aren't they bored? They come here every single day and they go back to work with empty hands.

Then, my brother's car arrived and I show them sitting up in seconds and circling the car like it was their pray. The driver got out from the car and protected Jongin in order to pass by the reporters, blocking their way.

The door opened widely and was smashed closed. I drew my attention from the window and turned around to face a pissed Jongin.

"I can't bear them anymore! They really get on my nerves", he growled, as he loosened his tie.

"I know... It's my fault. I think I should go home. They may leave you alone if I do so".

"Gosh, Haeyoung, no! Don't you ever say that! You are staying with me. In this way, I will be more peaceful. There's no way I let you alone, okay? Besides, they won't give up even after you leave. I will deal with it".

"Alright", I gave up.

"Oh, Wheein called me. She wanted to see you if you want it too of course".

I don't know if I was ready to see my best friend yet. Although I was kinda hesitant, I knew that Wheein wouldn't ask me anything if I felt uncomfortable. She just wanted to see me, because she missed me.

"Sure. Tell her to come. I missed her too".

"Okay. Now, I have to go. I'm gonna change first".

"Okay, see you tonight".


I was cooking some instant noodles, which reminded me a bit of Taemin, while waiting for Wheein to arrive. Suddenly, the bell rang. My excitement to see my friend again made me forget for some time the pain I was in and flew towards the door. I opened the door widely, smiling as cheerfully as I could. But it wasn't Wheein that stood in front of me.

It was Taemin. A version of Taemin I've never seen; the desperate one.

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