Chapter 19. The Beast is awaken

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"Remember Who you are"


In the dark night, someone is driving to the dark forest or the what so called The suicide forest. The forest who believe to be a curse forest and no one dares to go because the way inside can make you go crazy that's what the Gossips says but win doesn't believe it since he never know a place like that exist.

Win never expected that the way going to forest is so far and the way is so hard because the way in not cemented. And that's when win decided to go walk towards the forest since he can see not that far a sign saying that the area is the suicide forest.

When win arrived the sign it's pointing towards a dark area with fog covering the way which is kinda scary but win is not scared at all because he is determined to find the elders. Win then enters the forest and there is no going back...

Morning came, and bright slightly open his eyes because the sunrays is blocking his view. When he feels nothing is beside him, he immediately open his eyes and sit..

"Win?! Where are you?" bright said bad when he doesn't recieved any response he immediately check their room and the whole house. That's when yesterday's happenings strike him

"Sh*t! That's why win is so weird" He then check their closet to only see that wins garments are not there and that made bright panic bad call Fong

"Fong! Is win with you?!"

"No, he is not with me. What happen?" when Fong said those bright panic and pace back and forth that's when he notice a letter in the bedside. He picked it and read it

" I'm sorry My love, I just need to do this alone. I'll be back I promise. I love you


Bright then cried.

"Bright?! Hey!..." Fong said in the phone

"He's gone. W-win is gone" Bright said while crying. And that's when Fong knows what's happening. Fong knows that this day will come because he is with win when win was deciding and planning about this. And Fong was leaved with a very important mission given by win


"Fong, when I'm gone. Please protect bright for me"

"Win don't say that.." Fong can stop himself to cry

"Fong there will be a day, I'll leave and I want you to be strong. Be strong for me and for the people we're trying to protect" Win said and face Fong and smile "I will not die you idiot. No one can kill me" win said and smack Fong's head "I have something to give to you.." win go to his table and get a letter and a diary. Win's Diary. "When the time comes, I want you to gave it to bright"

"And when is that?" Fong ask as he look at the items when had given him

"You will have to wait for the sign and when that sign has come, you will give it to him" win said and Fong nodded


That day become the darkest day for bright without the lights that guide him. And that's when he Focus himself to grow more his gang. Only The close friends, Bright and The Generals knows that win is gone. All of the generals are forbidden to locate win because that's his last order that was sent to Fong and they need to oblige although they have clue where win is but they can't tell bright since they are loyal to their Lord Tine.

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