Chapter 14. Who I am

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I'll never forget you

After the Big revelation of the secrets, Bright and win remain silent. Trying to absorbed all the things that Samantha had said. They couldn't believe that everything was all connected. From their past until to their future but they never had an idea of it. Seeing Win face makes Bright take the first move. He doesn't want win to overthink so Bright broke the silent atmosphere surrounding them.

“Win? Are you okay?” Bright ask slowly not trying to startle the lad beside him. Win seems to be Focus on what he's thinking that he was not able to hear bright. So Bright put his hand to Win's hand which is resting on his lap. Win then realized that bright was calling him

“u-uh Bright, w-what did you say?” win ask and bright smile at him.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, I'm just...a little bit confused and I'm trying to absorbed all the revelation of Aunt Samantha. I couldn't stop thinking that I brought you back in this World where your mother and my mother tried to protect you from. A world that never a parent want his children to get involved. A world full of greed...” before win could finished his sentence he was stopped by a sudden hug

“Win, I'm grateful that I'm with you again. I never thought that some of my past will resurface again. Don't overthink. Because of you I found my Home and that's you. Being with you means being alive.” Bright said lovingly and Win couldn't stop himself to smile and really to the hug. He never thought that he will receive a love that no one has given him except his parents. The what so called unconditional love.

“Bright, you always makes me feel that I'm so perfect Even though I have my own flaws. I love you My Sun” Win said as he snuggles near the neck of Bright and smell the scent of Bright which makes him calm as he close the distance between them and close his eyes enjoying the scent. Bright was a little bit shocked of what win had called him.

“I love you too My Moon. It's been a long time since I heard it and I love it Win. Now, just relax.” Bright said as he rub the back of win



Bright is inside the public library. Scanning the books because he hasn't decided what to read. He just go to this library to see someone. Someone who makes his heart flattered. The boy who has a smile that shines like the moon in the night sky and his eyes are sparkling like the Stars. A boy who is a mystery and his name is unknown to bright. Inside the library, bright usually sits where he can see the boy,the usual spot of the boy--the corner where people usually don't go. Bright love the spot because it looks like a place where he only and the boy knows. Bright as usual hides himself, just seeing the boy makes his day good unknown to him the boy already sense him. Bright spends his weekends here in the library just looking at the young boy like he almost memorize every part of his face. His Hair, His cute nose, his eyes and his plump lips and most importantly the smile.


Bright was brought back to present, as he can hear the cute snores of win. Win can immediately sleep as long as Bright is with him. He feel secured and safe with bright that's why he lowers his guard and just go to deep slumber. Win chuckle as he kiss win's forehead and carry him in bridal style and go to their room. Although it's afternoon win seems to enjoy his sleep. Bright carefully place him to bed and when he is about to stand, he realized that win was actually holding his hand like his life is depending on it. Bright smiles and place himself beside win as he caress win hair. He then traced win eyebrows and then to his nose until to his plump lips.

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