Chapter 4. In the Mafia World

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I read again the previous chapters and I found out that it have so many mistakes and I apologize for that😅.
Anyways, let's start with this chapter....


" I can conquer the world for you"


'We need to know who is that man. That man who can enter the Azkaban easily. Get your man ready. We need to pick up an important guest *evil laughing*

Meanwhile at the the Azkaban ( black triangular company )

The security got tighten since it was the order from the higher up. They got a tip that someone will try get some information inside. Every employee should undergo the thorough inspection.

Bright is now walking towards the building. He can feel someone is following him but everytime he tried to look at his back nothing is in there so he just shrugged the idea. when he was about to get near the building he saw the very long line of employees entering the building. He was about to get line when he was called by someone. Everyone was shocked to see who was it since it was the CEO. It was CEO Fong. Fong is known for being a friendly CEO but he is strict when it comes to work and no one is allowed to call him Fong when he is infront or inside the building.

"Bright! What are you doing here?" Fong said.

"uh..Sir Fong..I'm just going to give win his lunch he forgot it when he went to work" Bright said.

"Don't call me Sir Fong, just Fong. Besides where friends since bos..I mean win is a Friend of mine" Fong said as he tap the shoulder of Bright. "So let's get inside" Fong added. With that, Bright enter the building easily. He was also allowed to ride the higher up's elevator which is designed only for those President and CEO of the company.

Unknown to them someone is spying them.

At the floor where the office of CEO had also the office of his secretary. The office of Win. The floor where their resides have a big hall indeed an office for rich. Seeing this makes be more proud to his wife since not all have the opportunity to enter the company or even step inside. This building is not open to all. Fong knock the door at the office of win three times and when he heard the respond 'Come in' he entered.

"What do you need Fong?" win said focus on what his doing on his computer.Win was so focus on his works as he didn't notice that Bright was with Fong.

"Win,bright is Here" Fong said as Bright Smile at his Wife who stands immediately and go towards Bright. With that Fong leave the two as he know the two needs private space to talk.

"Hey Brightie why did you not tell me your Coming? Did you miss me already?" win said as he chuckles. Bright pouted.

"You forgot to Bring your lunch and now that I see what your doing maybe you have plans to not eat lunch. Win I always tell you NEVER escape your lunch" Bright said as he pout "And you forgot to give me my energy" Bright added as he peck the lips of win. Win smile at Bright and kiss him. Bright Stayed at the office of win just to make sure he eats his lunch and after that he decided to leave since he have some work to do.

okay sir. He is now leaving the building’ said by someone.

Bright can feel that someone is following him so he decided to walk fast. He decided to call his friend Gunz to ask for help since he don't want win to get worried. The call him but it's just ringing maybe he is sleeping or working on something. When Gunz answer it. Bright immediately tell Gunz..

“Hey Gunz, I think I'm being followed.” Bright said calmly as he don't want the person to notice that he is now getting scared because this situation might get him killed.

“Hey! Where are you?” Gunz replied

“I'm at....” when he was about to answer the it, his mouth was covered by a handkerchief that make him dizzy and his face was cover by a black cover until he can't fight his sleep getting closed as the drugs starting to work...

Meanwhile at the Azkaban

*Phone ringing* win immediately answer the call without even looking at the screen since not all knows his number only his close friends knows.

Hello? Win Metawin Speaking”

“Win!!!” Gunz said which makes win see the name in the screen as he was startled by the voice.

“Hey Gunz, What's the problem?” Win said calmly

“It's Bright, win...”after hearing Bright's name he immediately stand and cut Gunz words

“What happen to him?!” win said angrily. Gunz on the other side got scared since it was the second time he heard those voice. The first time was when they are still in College. The cold angry voice send shivers to his spine. He is like an alpha who can fight a whole group of wolves. After seconds that Gunz didn't answer Win immediately Calm himself since he know he might scared Gunz so he ask calmly Gunz who is now stunned by the sudden outburst of win.

“Tell me everything Gunz. Please” win said. After hearing the word please Gunz immediately answer win since he know that win is worried.

“Bright call me earlier and He said he was being followed and when I was about to ask him where is he, I got no answer except the sound like the phone got fall”

“okay Gunz. Thank you that's a great help. Just be careful also because nowadays many people are trying to hunt but I'll hunt them down” with that win ended the call and get the other phone in his vault. He uses it for underground world purposes only.

“Ready our men, the Hunting has Begin” win said as he smirk....

“ In this MAFIA world, no one can stop me from Hunting those who tried to hurt my Love....”


Yehey Another Chapter! 5555+
I'm really trying my best to post it immediately and I apologize for the late upload.
Exams are getting near which means a busy week is approaching too.

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