Chapter 9

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The whole gang (Anita, Rohit, Nithish, Meera, Samyuktha, Nikita, Nishant, Sanjana, Anisha, Varun, Vikram and Drishti) was present in the Reddy Mansion garden. Anita "Guys let's hit the roads on bike" Vikram "Enjoy you guys" Anisha "Why bike we can go in car na" Meera "Bike will be best yaar" Rohit "Yes I think bike is best" Nikita "Oh hello you guys can go in bike what will me, Sammu and Sanju do" Nishant "One of you can come with me" Niki "And the other 2" Anisha "See let's all go in car" Samyuktha "I can drive a bike" Niki "Okay then it's decided bike it is" Anisha "But..." Meera "No buts it is...why don't you want to go on bike scared of your husband's driving?" Anisha was about to say something when Niki beats her to it "Why will she be scared these two would be all the time roaming around biking together back in chennai" Meera "Then no problem right" Varun "No problem...she is just trying to annoy you guys...right na Ani" Anisha looks at him while he glares at her "Yes" Rohit "So guys... Anisha & Varun together...Me & Anita together... Nithi & Meera together...let Sanju go with Nishant and Sammu & Niki together" Everyone "Okay" Drishti "Enjoy you guys...and Anisha and Varun it's a camping trip with friends not your honeymoon" Everyone laugh except Anisha and Varun who were blushing.

Everyone had planned to go to Pocharam lake for camping, they had decided that they will start by Saturday early morning, go for trekking in Pocharam Wildlife Sanctuary, then camp in the evening by Pocharam lake and then in morning visit Medak fort and Cathedral and then leave for home in the evening. Since Drishti is almost 8 months pregnant, Vikram and Drishti were not joining them. Anita "Okay guys we will leave now have to make arrangements for tomorrow right", Anita, Rohit, Nithish and Meera leave from Reddy Mansion, Everyone were called for lunch. Sumi "Varun Anisha don't you guys have to do shopping...just 4 days are left and you won't be here for 2 days...Why don't you go for shopping today" Varun "Okay Mom we will go". After lunch all go to their room, Sanju and Samyuktha were staying in the guest room, Varun and Anisha were in their room, Anisha was packing things for their camping trip, Varun gets hold of her "What's your problem in travelling in bike with me" Anisha looks at him "I don't have a problem but you will have a problem with me that's why" Varun "What the...." Anisha goes and continues doing her work, Varun goes to Anisha again and holds her hand stopping her from going away. Anisha "Now what do you want Varun...or you want to say anything about me" Varun "Get ready we have to go for shopping" Anisha "Okay". Anisha finishes her packing and goes to get ready, both of them get ready and leave for shopping in Varun's car.

They both go to mall, Varun holds Anisha's hand and takes her in while Anisha was looking at him shocked while he was just walking ahead of her taking her along. Varun takes her inside a shop, Varun "You would need winter wear" Anisha comes out of shock and just nods. He lets her choose her dresses while he goes to choose jacket for her and himself, he chooses the jackets and takes them to her to show it to her, he goes to Anisha but finds her still looking at the dresses confused and smiles thinking this girl still can't choose what to buy...maybe I was's been a month I have hurt her so much still she does everything I say and doesn't protest well except when I try to take care of her that time she becomes a lioness tries everything to stop me from taking care of her... Maybe I should give our relationship a chance. Thinking this he goes near her, She notices Varun coming near her so acts as if she is choosing dresses, she takes whichever dress comes in her hand, Varun stops her "Just look at the dress you chose you hate this color" Anisha looks at the dress and sees what she has taken and keeps it back making a disgusted face, Varun selects dresses for her while she was just standing there looking at him what is he doing and why is he doing this...this man has more mood swings than a pregnant woman...why is he so confusing and he confuses me also... he is making me go mad...that will definitely happen on day. Varun gives her some dresses "Go try them". She does as he says and comes back after trying them, they both take it for billing Anisha takes out her card and was about to give it to the cashier when Varun stops her, Anisha "I can pay for my clothes" Varun forwards his card to the cashier ignoring her while she glares at him. When they come out of the shop, Varun again holds her hand, she tries to get her hand out of his hold but he holds it tightly, she let's it be after trying for sometime as she didn't want to create any scene. He takes to another shop to buy other dresses, again he selects dresses for her and gives them to her to try them, after trying again they go to pay for the dresses and Varun pays for it stopping Anisha.

Varun then takes her to the food court, Varun "What do you want to eat" She just glares at him "I don't want anything" Varun knowing that she loves Chat "Well your know they have the best Chat here...I am going to order you sure you don't want anything" Anisha still glaring at him "No" Varun goes to order smiling to himself This girl and her anger... Saying no to chat... definitely she is angry but I think I can handle that. He orders and waits for his order when he sees that Anisha was doing something in her phone while some guys were staring at Anisha, he glares at them but then there was no effect of that, when he receives his order he takes it to her and pulls his chair next hers and sits close to her, and looks around and finds the guys still staring at her...Anisha was still glaring at him when he pulls her closer holding her waist, she looks at him shocked while he looks around and sees the guys looking elsewhere, satisfied he turns to Anisha who was looking at him wide eyed, Varun "What are you looking at" She nods her head saying no and looks elsewhere, Varun "Open your mouth" She doesn't do anything and keeps looking elsewhere, he again pulls her closer, she turns to his side and he stuffs the Chat in her mouth, and each time she opens her mouth to say something he stuffs chat in her mouth. After eating, they go back to their Car, Anisha was glaring at Varun "What do you think you are doing" Varun "I'm going to start the car don't you want to go home" Anisha "I'm not asking about that...I'm asking about you paying for my dresses....I can pay for my things I don't need your money or anybody else's and why did you feed me... who asked you to...haan...why are you doing this..." Anisha was literally spitting fire, he pulls her closer and pins her to the car "Why can't I...I'm your husband I can do all those...and this also" he kisses her cheek.

Anisha was looking at him shocked, she was completely flushed, Varun smiles looking at her "You want to ask anything else or can we leave" Anisha was still looking at him wide eyed "" Varun makes Anisha sit in the passenger seat and then goes to the driver seat smiling to himself. Anisha was thinking sitting in the car What happened to him all of a sudden... why is behaving like this...I just hope this is not a dream...he kissed me and he fed me Chat...if this really is a dream then I don't want to wake up... please God make this real. They reach home, have dinner with family and then go to sleep as they had to wake up early next day.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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