Chapter 47

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The four of them go to the beach, Anisha, Nikita and Samyuktha play in water while Varun sits on the beach sand admiring the girls bond, they keep splashing water on each other, giggling and having fun. Nikita goes to sit with him "Hey Varun", instead of answering her he keeps staring at Anisha, Nikita looks at who he is staring so busily when she finds that it's Anisha that he is so busy admiring, she starts smiling, Offo seems like my brother will turn lover boy in some more days, She calls him again this time a bit louder "Varun", he comes out of his trance and looks at Nikita "What...why are you shouting", Nikita smiles "Just checking if you are in this world" Varun shakes his head "Stupid girl" Nikita "Oh Hello I'm your shouldn't call your sister Stupid...else you may have to face the consequences" Varun "Ohhhooo and what are these so called consequences" Nikita looks at him "I convinced Anisha to give you a chance and I can change that" Varun rolls his eyes at her "Yeah right" Nikita glares at him "Now see what I do...your rolling your eyes at me right", She gets up to go to Anisha and he panics "Aiyoo Sissy I was just joking your not Stupid", Nikita chuckles to herself but then looks at him sternly "Good", she smiles to herself and goes back to Anisha and Samyuktha.

Varun gets a call and he goes to attend the call, while coming back he sees Anisha trying to call someone, she keeps trying again and again though the other person doesn't attend the call, a tear drops from her eyes, her tears pulls the strings of his heart, he badly wanted to wipe her tears off and punch the person who caused them in the first place. He was about to go near her, she leaves from there and goes back to Nikita and Samyuktha and puts on a fake smile hiding her tears. Nikita pulls him off to have dinner, Anisha was silent throughout the dinner, she didn't even eat the food properly, Varun was worried for her, after dinner they all went back to their rooms. Varun sits in his room thinking, what happened to her all of a sudden she was so happy enjoying here what happened that she was suddenly in tears and she didn't even tell anything about it to Niki or Samyuktha...and...and why am I affected by her tears so much...why am I getting worried for her...why does my heart hurt seeing her hurt...who is this person hurting Anisha. He goes to the balcony of his room thinking about her, he sees her sitting near the swimming pool looking at her phone intently, tears keep falling from her eyes while she keeps seeing her phone.

Varun runs to her from his room on seeing her crying, he goes to her and sits next to her, she wipes her tears and looks up when she senses his presence, "What are you doing here" Varun looks at her "I could ask you the same...and you can't hide you tears from everyone". Anisha looks at him "How did you...", Varun looks at her "I saw...I don't know why you were crying but let me tell you one look good when keep giving me glares or smiling or enjoying with everyone...this sad face doesn't suit one bit", she looks at her phone and again tears drop from her eyes "What will you do when the person you love hurts you" Varun smiles "People hurt us all the time's because we let them hurt us...I don't know who hurt you but if they are hurting so much then they are not worth these tears dear". Anisha's tears pour non stop, he takes her in his embrace "Hey hey...don't cry Anisha...sshhhh...Okay okay cry it out...seems like you have been keeping it in for too long", she cries her heart out to him burying her face in his chest, her tears tugged at his heartstrings, he keeps caressing her hair trying to console her "Shhh baby girl...shh...Okay...calm down", when she finally calms down, she looks up at him and she realises that she cried in front of him, she moves away from his embrace and wipes her tears "I'm...I'm sorry...your t-shirt is drenched because of me", he smiles at her "It's not a problem Anisha...are you fine now" Anisha smiles a little "Yeah I feel better now" Varun "Good now come with me" Anisha looks at him "where?" Varun gets up and pulls her also "I know you did not eat properly...come with me". Varun takes her out to a nearby ice cream shop "What flavour...wait let me guess...ummmm Strawberry" Anisha looks at him "Noo I don't like strawberry...must be your favourite...mine is chocolate" Varun smiles "Mine is Strawberry...I thought like other girls you will also like strawberry but no...your different in this also", he orders both their ice creams and they both take it back to the resort.

They sit in the resort garden area and eat their ice cream, "it's Vihaan because of whom I was crying...he is my boyfriend", something in him hurts when he hears she has a boyfriend, she continues "He was my senior in during my MBA...he proposed me when I was in my first year but I didn't accept him...he didn't actually stop there with my rejection...he kept putting efforts trying to impress me but still I kept on budging him...he was still persistent...I actually got impressed with his efforts...nobody had done so much for me and I started to like him...when I was sure enough that I had feelings for him I confessed to him when he was leaving the college...Everything was going fine up until 2 to 3 months back...He works here in Kashyap group...Ever since I told him that I'm coming to chennai he has been avoiding me not answering my calls or texts...I thought maybe he is busy but today he had posted his pictures with his friends and he was really close to some girls in the photos...I tried calling him still he isn't picking up my call...I don't know what I did that he is avoiding me...I love him I really do...I'm trying hard to contact him but he isn't...", She starts crying again.

He cups her face "Shhh baby girl...if he can't see your efforts then there is nothing wrong with you something is wrong with him...if he really cares he will put his efforts...I don't know him nor have I seen him personally to judge him...but I think it's time you start rethinking about your relationship if he is not even ready to answer your texts or calls for 3 months" She looks at him, her eyes filled with tears "You really think so" Varun wipes her tears "That's what I are a strong and independent don't need to cry over boys...whoever is going to be your partner will be really lucky to have are just what 22 or 23 years old baby just focus on your career right now and you have great friends like me (he winks at her...she smiles a little)...anything you need we'll always be there for you...I'll always be there for you...leave the rest to destiny...whoever or whatever is destined to be yours will be yours...Okay?" She nods, Varun "Now give me a smile", she smiles a little "Good girl I want to see this smile at all times well except the times when I load you up...I know I'll only get fiery glares from you those times", She laughs a bit, he feels at peace seeing her smile and kisses her forehead "Let's go it's quite late you should sleep", they go near their rooms, Anisha was about to enter her room, she turns around and calls him "Va...Varun thank you", Varun smiles as his heart skip a beat when she calls him by his name for the first time, she goes into her room while he also enters his room.

Varun's Pov

What is she doing to me...I have never had these kinds of feelings or sensations but being with her is bringing out foreign feelings in me...and why does it hurt when she has a boyfriend and how could he even think of hurting this girl if I ever see him I'm gonna practice all my karate kicks on him for making her cry...She in my arms gives me the peace that nothing else ever has...She makes my heart to flutter and skip a beat with just the mention of my name and her smile...I don't know what's happening to me...I just know that She is special to me...She is my sunshine❤️ and I want this sunshine with me all the time

Varun's Pov ends

That's all for now guys
Hope you like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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