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The medical room was in the 3rd floor and the Omega had passed out in the last green room of the 7th floor. If Jungkook ran past everything, uninterrupted,  then he could possibly reach his final stop in exactly 9 minutes through the stairs.

The problem was that the emergency stairs, from which he had originally come from, was completely packed, and there was no way that he could make his way up.

In these situations, the elevators were generally shut down, so that option was out of question.

They only way to get up was going through the main staircase.

But to reach there, he had to cross an entire hallway of Alphas and Omegas who were definitely not in their right state of mind to not harm teh passing Beta whom they might identify as a threat because of their instincts.

It could be potentially dangerous for him.

But he didn't have time to lose.

He ran between the standing and passed out people on the floor, hoping he wouldn't get his skull bashed in one of the walls by an Alpha or come across a pair fucking (that is the worst, you know).

Somehow, Jungkook reached the staircase across the corridor without any major problems.

He had a light of hope lit in his heart.

Maybe he could now save the Omega.

But that light didn't last long.

In his hurry to reach the Omega, Jungkook forgot the check the previous floors.

And that was a blunder.

In no time, he found himself surrounded by five Alphas on the 5th floor platform.

Now, he had two choices.

He could either run up the staircase and hope to give the medicines to the Omega before the Alphas caught up to him. And the chance of successionof this plan was nearly 0.023%.

Or he could fight the Alphas like a total madman and potentially get his jugular ripped out by the instinct ridden people. His chance of survival? 0%.

And guess what he chose as the option.

He tucked the pills in his pocket making sure the wouldn't slip, and got into his fighting stance.

Not to brag, but he had achieved a black belt in Taekwondo and had 10 years of mixed martial arts training, which was a great personal achievement. But even that could not help him overcome the power difference of an unarmed Beta and an instinct ridden Alpha.

Murmuring a quick prayer, he aimed for a kick right on the temple on the temple of the Alpha on his right.

But right at that moment, the said Alpha fell right to his face.

And behind him, stood Kim SeokJin.

Jungkook didn't know of he should have been relieved or cursing his door, but his dilemma was solved immediately.

"Take the one on the left."

SeokJin was not out of his senses.

And Jungkook did what he was told to.

His ankle came in contact with the woman's chin, he was sure it was going to leave a nasty bruise. By the time she was unconscious on the floor, SeokJin was done with the remaining three Alphas who seemed as though they were sleeping peacefully on the floor.


"Pressure points."

It was extremely obvious to notice that SeokJin's breathing was ragged, as though he had run a marathon. And Jungkook knew the reason.

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