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Jungkook would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy himself.

He always had fun with those three.

Jimin looked out for him while he bickered with Taehyung and Hoseok for the whole time.

They were like a family to him; a fact that he would never admit to their faces.

He came wobbling into his apartment, fully drunk, but he wouldn't admit.

Only Jimin was sober, and drove him to his apartment, while Hoseok and Taehyung were completely wasted.

He was humming a tune, as his door clicked open, and he made a little twirl while heading towards his bedroom.

He heard a soft crush, midway through his performance, but was too happy and carefree at the moment to pay attention to it.

Jungkook had hoped to atleast shower before plopping on the covers of his soft mattress, but it was as if his body had a mind of his own and a few seconds later, he was enveloped in his soft and fluffy duffel without even taking out his watch.


Morning came by and pain pulsed through Jungkook's forehead.

He wasn't that much of a drinker, and yesterday's drinking competition was taking a toll on his body.

He was on his way to the kitchen to get some painkillers, when he spotted a bunch of letters, on which Jungkook had probably stepped on yesterday.

He had been staying in the company's suites for the past five days due to the constant shoots which required him in the studio from 6 in the morning to almost 11 in the night.

Yesterday was his last day of the completion of that project and therefore he decided to relive his stress by a little detour. But it looked liked it was blunderous move.

He ripped open the first letter which was dated as Sunday.

And he couldn't believe his eyes.

He ripped open all the letters, which contained the same thing, all sent by the sent person, an old hag who was his landlady.

What was the content of the letter?


He was being kicked out.


Because he was gay.

It seemed like the landlady had somehow gotten to know that the boy was a pornstar, that too a gay pornstar, and therefore wanted him out of her house as she didn't wanted to 'damage her reputation'.

The previous landowner, Mr. Lee was a kind and soft hearted man who considered Jungkook as his son.

But the current landlady, who was the spouse of the unfortunate Mr. Lee, hated him with her whole heart.

She had never liked him in the first place and after her husband's death, she looked for numerous ways to kick Jungkook out of the apartment.

And it looked like she had got the perfect excuse.

It wasn't like he didn't have the money to change places.

Jungkook was filthy rich and it was not a big deal for him.

But the thing that was bothering him was the deadline.

He had to clear the house by 12pm, Saturday and that was literally today.

How could he find a house that would accommodate everything he had plus be at a location that was close to his company and the market, that too in less than eighteen hours?

He knew he was done for, and therefore wasted no time in opening his laptop and searching for places where he could stay.

Because this boy was not even near ready to be homeless.


"It's beautiful~"

Jungkook stood there in awe, a fully furnished, wooden-decor apartment standing right before his eyes.

How was he able to find such a perfect place, that too, within twelve hours?

He didn't know.

The complex was small, consisting of just 4 floors and 3 apartments per floor. But on the other hand, the interior was gorgeous. And by interior, it meant that the building as well as the apartments.

The complex screamed "class" and Jungkook absolutely fell in love with the place. Obviously, it was a lot more expensive than his previous place, but the rent was nothing that the boy couldn't take care of.

After an hour and half of signing documents and going through legal procedures, Jungkook was now an official tenant in the "Solitaire".

The keys in his palm and the amazing house, was now his!!

But now, Jungkook was extremely bored.

He could go for grocery shopping, but the owner had provided him with complimentary food for the first month. Everything, including things from curtains to electronics, had been provided by the owner. The only thing missing were his clothes.

So, Jeon Jungkook was off to a shopping spree.

He got up from the fluffy bed, grabbing his overcoat that sat on the leather chair and made his way ot of his apartment to the elevator. Pressing the button, he noticed something pretty unusual.

"Was this here before?"

His flat was at the 3rd floor, but the button to be used to reach the 4th floor had a special biometric system attached to it. He then remembered, that the emergency staircase joining the 3rd and 4th floor, also had a gate with a similar system of biometric password.

Obviously, it looked unusual, so Jungkook made a mental note to induce himself in a small talk with the security guard after his little trip to the mall.

Afterall, now, this masterpiece of architecture was his home.

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