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It was a red carpet event.

Media was lined up at the borders of the carpet, capturing every moment of the person who stepped out of their luxury vehicle.

The seven boys had chosen the classic black limousine as their ride.

Jungkook could here the cammer shutter buzzing non stop as soon as the chauffer opened the door.

The first one to get out was SeokJin, being the oldest and unintentionally the head of this small pack. The next was Yoongi, followed by Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin and then Taehyung. Jungkook had to make the last appearance, not because we has the temporary sub, but because they had decided to come out as the oldest to youngest.

Unlike Seokjin, the other six did bother to throw a few smiles and gestures here and there for fan service. They were obviously extremely famous because of their lineage and choice of profession and the media wanted to cover it all.

The gala was set at the Yule Hall, an extremely famous and the oldest architecture of the whole city. The chandeliers and tapestries hanging all around, giving the interior a royal effect, could not grasp the attention of the Beta, as his nerves were too busy eating him up by creating various situations in which he could embarrass the Alphas.

Fortunately, Taehyung could sense his uneasiness, as the older took his hand into his own, giving it a warm squeeze of reassurance.

Jungkook definitely didn't question as to why that minor act helped him relax completely.

They soon reached a magnificent pair of double doors, that were probably thrice the height of SeokJin. The oldest looked back, at his mates and then at the youngest, giving them a gentle nod, as he motioned the gaurd to open the doors.

The commotion inside ceased, as all eyes were fixed on the seven figures walking down the hall.

Jungkook wasn't new to unnecessary attention and stares, as being in the adult industry came with its own pros and cons. But right now, he was not Jeon Jungkook. He was the sub of six, extremely reputed Alphas. He had a reputation to maintain and he was not going to disappoint his hyungs.

His head was held high, gaze unfaultering, as he maintained eye contact with whoever gawked at him.

The seven headed towards their designated table nearest to the podium, the black satin decor impressing Jungkook.

As soon as they sat down, the commotion automatically resumed.

Noone spoke, but Jungkook could see that the Alphas were somehow communicating with just their eyes. Even though he felt a pang in his heart, seeing that the Alphas had been practically ignoring him since the past few hours, he brushed it off, maintaing his professionalism over his emotional status.

He noticed the slight nod exchanged among the Alphas, followed by SeokJin taking his leave to greet the guests.

Soon after, it was only Jungkook and Namjoon on the round table, both immersed in their own phones.

The Alphas had decided that one of them would always stick with the youngest but Jungkook had never expected it to be this lonely even with their presence.

"So, Kook, how are you liking it here?"

After a whole of 60 minutes, Namjoon had decided to strike up a conversation.

Honestly, Jungkook wanted to snap back at him, telling him that he hated every second of it and would rather stay in his home watching Yuri on Ice, but he didn't have the heart to say so.

"It's nice, hyung."

Namjoon could easily identify the fake smile the younger  had given him. It wasn't his fault. After all, the Alphas had been acting somewhat like assholes towards the youngest.

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