all stopped laughing and three of them stood from their places and nodded their heads.

" okay then, let's go."

when they left the room the reat were still in daze about the sudden outbrust. they all are in silence when yoongi decided to break it.

" what the fuck had happened?"

all shook their head.

" don't know bro. it was...... wow i am speechless. " hoseok exclaim.

" bro you really have a sacry one. i don't know how you survived. i salute you now i repect you more hyung."

yugyeom patted namjoon's shoulder and express his feeling.

and namjoon....he just move his head up and down still being the scaring cat.

all suddenly started laughing at the their own reactions.

" taehyung you better not to do anything otherwise ........ i pray for you . hope you will be alright."
bambam said in hopelessness.

all laughed at his statement and prayed for taehyung. for being well .

and with that they all sit on their respective ways and started their chit chat.
after few minutes after all the drama taekook entered in the hall.

on seeing his hyungs after few days . jungkook went to hug them as he misses them although he met them only once but he feels like a family with them.

" HYUNGS!!!!!!" he screamed in really high voice. it startled all and they stopped their conversation to look at the source of the voice.

but laughed instead because namjoon is attacked by the hug.

they all started to laugh and is hugged by their baby bunny one by one. when yoongi hyung smiled softly at him with so much care and hugged him which surprised others and they looked at them like the 8th wonder of the world.

" No one can resist our bunny." bambam said while shaking his head and looking at bun who is being all giggling and excited to meet his hyungs after long time. and others nodded their head while smiling at kook who is busy with yoongi hyung.

but except someone who is buring in the corner and ready to attack someone.

" yes you are right . no one can resist my bunny." taehyung said in deep and dangerously low voice which startled them and drag out from their bunny admiration dream.

they all looked at the tae who is burning in jealously .
if looks can kill someone, every one who be dead by now.

being frank it is seriously scary for other but seeing taehyung being jealous and furming in fire for first time is so amusing for others and they started laughing at taehyung's possessiveness they never expected this.

all smirked internally.

' it's going be interesting in the future.' all thought at the same time. but is draged from their thought by taehyung's sudden move.

he stormed his feet on the floor and gasp jungkook out of yoongi embrace where he was laying for few mins.

jungkook yelped a bit due to sudden move. but tae took him in his arm and sit on the sofe with jungkook in his laps and arms around his waist and back securely but mainly possessively. all are still confused and amused by the scene expect two.

taehyung who is being all jealous and yoongi who is still unbothered but more like he was expecting it
then all blinked their eyes and looked at yoongi for his reaction.

but next moment they started laughing again because when they moved their head to yoongi they saw him smirking lowly and challenging like he did it on purpose then reality hit all.

they all realized that yoongi did it on purpose as he already knew taehyung is jealous he just pick on him and teased him.

all were laughing except jungkook which is obvious (🤦‍♀️😂)
who is being blushing machine and confused.

all coo at the blushing kook which make him more fluster.

after few mins everything calmed down that's when jungkook realized something.

" joonie hyung." he called out for namjoon hyung.

who looked at him and smiled.
" yes bun." and winked also smiled mischievously at tae.

who gave him a glare but stop because namjoon is like his dad while all were trying to stop their laughing and enjoying the drama.

" where is jinnie hyung, jiminie hyung, lisa noona and hoseong noona." jungkook continued.

" oh they all are making lunch for us. they will be here soon."

namjoon explained with a smile on his face with which jungkook replied with his signature bunny smile.

everyone can smell the jealousy in the air except baby bun who is unaware and his cute action with hyungs are only adding fuel in the fire and all are enjoying it.

hello armies!
here is the update
i hope you will enjoy it

sorry i updated late as yesterday i had my computer science practical and my pre board exams are starting from tomorrow so i had to study.

plus first exam is of physics which is really difficult for me so i had to study hard these two days.

anyways but i will keep up with my updates with exams if not on sunday but some other day with unschedule extra updates 😁😁

so i always purple you all army and bts 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
stay healthy, happy and cheerful.

also who are having exam or going to have exams all the best. do your best and achieve your goals.

take care guys...

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