agreement (3)

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(This will be the Jeon company scene)

After parting ways from taehyung, jungkook reached at his company in 45 mins.

Driver stopped the car in front of the company.
Bodyguard opened the door for him.

To which jungkook thanked him and straightened his clothes.

He marched to the company with 2 bodyguards behind him, being attentive and paying attention to the surrounding not wanting  to repeat the same mistake from the past.

Jungkook met his secretary, ms. Anna at the reception waiting for him.

When she saw kook, she bowed and greeted him.

" Good morning sir. "

Jungkook smiled and greeted her back with a small bow.

" Good morning ms. Anna. "

Her eyes went to his back noticing two bodyguards.

She looked at kook who shook his head as it's nothing.

Four of them went to the elevator.

One of the bodyguard pressed the button for the top floor to his office.

" So ms. Anna is everything ready. The things I asked for. "

She nodded her head in response.

" Yes sir. Everything is ready."

" Nice, thank you for the work. " Jungkook replied politely.

She smiled and answered.

" It's my pleasure. "

In 10 mins they reached the office.

Jungkook and Anna entered the room where as both the bodyguards remained at the door, gaurding it.

Jungkook sat on his chair where as Anna took seat in front of him.

" Sir you have meeting in 20 mins with the heads for the discussion of merging and you have to reach at kim's till 10:30. Also till then you have some pending paperwork and emails to be check regarding the new product in the Italian market. " Anna explained his schedule.

Jungkook checked the time. It was 8:30 he nodded his head .

" Okay ms anna. May you please call the heads and Senior head in the meeting Hall after half an hour as I want to again discuss about this matter. Also please forward me all the paperwork first for rechecking. "

" Sure. Will be done in 15."

Jungkook nodded his head at her.

Anna smiled and took her leave.

" Let's complete our work. You can do it kook. " Jungkook encouraged himself.

After 20 mins.

Jungkook heard a ringtone from the office phone.

He picked it up.


" Sir everything is done. The meeting will be in my 10 mins. " It was anna from the other side.

"Thankyou noona. "

He replied and put the phone with a smile.

He piled up his work and all the paper from the desk. Saving his file on the computer and preparing for the meeting although he has already talked about it beforehand with them but still be want everything to be perfect.

mafia's bunny boyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora