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they reached the old factory.


 taehyung commanded and everyone took their positions.

the 4 k8 members checked the area and hide on the each side of the building in case any one tries to escape or shoot from the window on the sideways.

RM's team took the backside of the factory while V's took the front.

the members in the van analyzed the area by ultrasonic radiation and thermal device to check the number of people also searching for the cameras inside the factory.

" 12 people, 2-rose and jisoo, 5 people on the hiding spot" hk informed.

"r & j near the car garage, 2 people on right, 500 m while 3 other 700m" hye added.

"no cameras, we will tell the directions." jin said.

RM advised.

"why not divide our team too?"

taehyung  understood the action.


"copy that." 

"me and bg inside, jm , th hide and shoot."

"yes sir."

"okay me and sb inside, rm, yg check and snipe."

"copy that."

"k8 will take side lead." 


"sj,hk command team 3"

"jhope, hye with team 2"

"dan with team 1."

everyone decided the role and took it in action.

"V,bg left side, door 3, secret tunnel."

"copied hk." bg replied

"suga,sb window in east 45 angle safe."

"roger hye" sb replied.

"k8 left side 3rd window behind the panel aim and shoot 68 degree."

"k8 right 1st floor 2nd window come close third bush hide and aim, hold for command."

"roger that sir." k8 replied.

everyone got their direction and aim.

V and bg crawled to tunnel going one by one with bg in front and V behind him.

they both slowly moved forward, loading their guns and observing outside from the peek holes.

with cautious steps.

sb and sg also reached the window, looked inside checked the arms, jumping inside, hiding behind the containers.

k8 also locked their target, holding for command.

V and bg reached the end of the tunnel, they reached in the store room with cartons.

"V , bg 500 m ,right 3 persons."

they went their hurriedly with quite steps hiding behind the container.

behind the door they can see a shadow peeking out.

"suga, sb near r & j just 200 m behind a car."

they both also exit the room and move towards garage area. finding 50 cars lined up, steps could be heard they both hide behind a car. 

suga looked at sb and nodded at him with his eye movement, sb did the same, 

both parted and moved from different sides.

mafia's bunny boyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang