long day

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they successfully rescued rose and Jennie. 

Rose and Jennie were slightly injured in order to run away from the attackers. they were taken to the base hospital along with every member that went on rescue for checkup if anyone was hurt they could get treated immediately. 

taehyun was worried about boemgyu when he heard that he was almost shot but saved by taehyung also he fell when he saved taehyun. he had a strained hand while purple bruise forming on hand.

 RM and yeonjun also have scratch on their forearms just because of sliding on the ground. while  soobin have a knife mark but everything was just slightly, no big injury except boemgyu's strained hand  which need 1 week time to be prefect as before.

doctor was prescribing the remedy and medicine to soobin  for boemgyu's hand. just applying ice 3 times a day and few pills to take.

taehyung was sitting in his cabin, thinking about the situation of all their bases and the attacks. he was recalling all the clues they were able to gather from the crime site.

suddenly he heard the knock on the door, snaping him out of his thoughts.

"come in."

the door opened and the person showed up, it was hoseok.

"yes hyung"

"tae it was yugyeom, he just call and told me about jungkook"

on hearing jungkook's name taehyung felt calmness in his heart and brain. he smiled knowing the reason behind the call.

"what happened hyung?"

"you aren't picking up his call nor responding to his messages although he didn't said anything to other but he is really restless, asking about all of us, also it's almost time to go back."

taehyung asked his phone. indeed jungkook called and messaged him but in limited way not to disturb him.

taehyung smiled and sighed at his sweet lover who is worrying and understanding him at the same time.

"okay hyung, so let's call it a day today."

"what about the rest of the members?"

"hyung you can inform them to rest after a long day they need it the most, also they can stay at the base dorms or at their homes, their security will be doubled and tightened so that they can be worry-free and focus on recovery."

"okay tae. you can meet us in the parking lot."

"yes hyung" with that hoseok went back to inform others.

taehyung noticed the time it was indeed time for them to go back, it was almost 3 pm.

the rescue mission took them almost 2 and half hours.

he was also tired and worried about jungkook.

he sighed again think about keeping the secrets from jungkook, he was about to tell him in few days but these sudden attacks changed the situation.

right then his first priority was to keep him safe and track down the culprit as soon as possible.

he called dan and joseph discussing about the members security.

later he went to the parking lot and saw others waiting for him.

"so let's go before five of them are driven with madness by worrying so much." namjoon joked.

everyone chuckled at his statement knowing it's true.

they all sat inside the van.

on the way they discussed about few things.

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