lil punishments (I)

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3rd person pov

after their sweet moment, jungkook started to do his work as he needed it tomorrow and taehyung decided to help him. 

they worked till 6:30. suddenly tae's phone rang, he picked it up without looking at the screen as he was busy explaining jungkook about the project.


"yeah! tae when are you coming home? we all are about reach there. also what about jungkook? are you gonna pick him up from his office?"

"oh jin hyung! we were also about to leave."


"oh yeah that i am at kook's company."

"huh? what are you doing there? and since when? yeah this boy."

taehyung chuckled a bit.

"don't worry hyung i have completed my all work."

"hmm. then ask from my son if he desire to eat something today?"

"oh okay.hold on"

taehyung poked jungkook a bit. kookie turned his head and looked at him. 

"yes hyung?"

"actually the ol- i mean  jin hyung is  asking if you want to eat something specific for dinner."

jungkook shook his head.

"no hyung, everything is alright with me."

taehyung hummed.

"hyung he is denning. he said everything is fine with him, but hyung i want-":

"oh okay then i am going bye. come fast and keep my son safe."

"yeah you old man what about me? won't you ask if i want to eat something?"

"you alien who cares."  with that jin hung the phone.

taehyung was dumbfounded. he shook his head and sighed.

'this old man , he is getting om my nerves.'

he sighed again and called jungkook.

"koo baby,"

"yes hyung!"

"honey let's go it's time to go, also that ol- i mean jin hyung called we have to go fast otherwise he will bury me in the floor for making him wait."

jungkook giggled at his lover's words. he nodded his head. they both grabbed their stuffs and went to the car who was already at the main gate waiting for them, also it was almost closing time for all.

after half an hour they reached the home. jungkook was already asleep. he had already removed his suit as he really hate them plus it was uncomfortable. taehyung was holding him from his waist and steadying his head on his shoulder. also like a whipped man more like a shameless one , constantly staring at kook-oopsie his kook. (a/n well can't blame him anyone can stare at kook without any break and blinking his eyelids whole time. )

Mr. han broke his stare when he announced their destination. 

taehyung creased jungkook's cheeks delicately with his free hand and pecked on his pouty lips. jungkook moved a bit at sudden wetness on his lips. he brushed them and scrunched his nose.

taehyung was cooing all the time. but his sweet time doesn't long last when he saw jimin at the window knocking on it and indicating him to step out.

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