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taehyung pov

i was taken back when he started crying. i got worried. it was a strange feeling. when i saw tears in those beautiful eyes it cause pain in my heart like someone has stabbed a knife in it. " why are you crying?" i asked him." it is really sad that a young boy Like you have to suffer like this. you have just started to learn to live. those person must be cruel to harm you." he said between his sobs. i don't know why his concern make me smile.i shrugged off the feeling.

" who are you ? why did you bring me here i mean why did you help me when i am only a stranger?" i asked curiously.

" i am jeon jungkook but you can call me kookie or what ever to want."he said with a cute bunny smile that is the beautiful thing in the whole universe it make my heart melt. then i realized that he is the son of the CEO and director of jeon corporation. his parents have died when he was five. still he has a kind and sweet heart. it must be difficult for him. i don't know why it make me to protect him, to hug him, to kiss him, to console him that he is not alone. i shake my head to retard all these thoughts from my mind and decided to think about them after few time.

" actually i saw you suffering and wounded so i decided to help you."
he further added" you can stay here till to want. make your comfortable here as it is your home too."

" i can't tell you my identity but you can call me vante."

" Mmmm.. hyung.. can i ask you something?"
i nodded as a reply
" where are your parents? are they fine? do you want my help to find them?"

at the moment he asked about my eyes started watering
when he noticed without thinking he hugged me and consoled me.

" i am sorry hyung. i didn't want to make you sad i just want to help you no problem you don't have to tell me but always remember don't ever hesitate to ask my help or to talk to me. i always there for you."
his words made me calm. my heart was screaming to make him mine ALL MINE. i pulled him closer by his waist. first he gasped by my action but still he hug me tightly.
i put my head in his neck crock.
i took a heavy breathe which tickle him and he giggled which were the best music for my ears. i chuckled at his action which make him blush.

" thankyou koo, even though you don't know me you're still worried"
i smiled a little. he blushed more due to the nickname i guess. he was  like a tomato now.

" n-no- wo-woo- worries hyung" he stuttered a bit. he was so adorable.

we stay like this for few mins until
my stomach growled.  it was really embarrassing.  we broke the hug
jungkook giggled " okay then hyung let me get you some food. by the way what do want to eat?" he asked.

" anything is fine with me" i replied
" Mmm. then i am going to downstairs hyung. until then you get refresh. there are some spare clothes for you on the table and there is the bathroom" he pointed the clothes and then the bathroom. i nodded and he bid his bye.i sighed and get up for shower i think i need  it to relax. it really relaxed me.

during shower i thought about my hyungs' what would be they doing right now. hope they would be fine.'

i sighed heavily and thought to relax my mind for few dayd then suddenly i started thinking about my feeling towards jungkook. we have only met for few hours but he hold a special in my heart. he is the  piece of incomplete puzzle. i don't know why whenever i saw him my mind and heart screams to make him mine all mine. no one can have him. it feels like that i can do anything for him. i never experienced this feeling before. but according to my parents when they told me about it. it actually feel like that 'love' .

my thoughts were interrupted by the knock on the door." hyung are you done? food is ready."

oh! it's kookie" yes koo, i am coming" with that i get up and get dressed.

" hyung do you want to eat here or downstairs" he was concerned that i may not feel comfortable.
i smiled at him" don't worry koo, i will eat downstairs" he returned my smile gladly. his smile make me remember of a bunny. "you are really a bunny." i chuckled a little when he pout" hyunggg! all say me like that but i am a human not bunny" that pout really make me to taste those sweet little pink lips.
Aaahh! kim fucking taehyung what are you thinking i shook my head.
" okay koo, now let's go"

then we went downstairs. we sat on the dining table while his chef served the food. while eating he shared a lot about himself, his parents,  his friends, family, school, life everything.
although he was suffering still he always has his smile.

after eating food we sit in the living room and decided to watch movies.
during the movie jungkook suddenly asked," hyung what is your favorite colour?"
" oh! i love purple colour. why?"
" then.... can i call you purple hyung since i don't know your name?" he said while looking down.

i lift his head by my fingers under his chin to make him look me. he stared into my eyes. we stayed like this for few mins. then i broke the silence " koo, you can call me whatever to want. i will like all the nicknames." his worry changed into smile he jumped and hugged me tightly. his action make my heart fluttered again. then he pulled back and thanked me.

now it was the night and time to go to bed.
we both ate dinner and showered to freshened up.
then i asked kookie," koo, where i will sleep?"
" hyung either you can sleep in the guest room as it is already prepared for you or you can sleep with me" he answered while making bed.

i thought for a min and replied
" mm... i will sleep with you "

finally a new update ...
i am really sorry i was stucked in my online school classes and dealing with the physics and maths i hate those subjects
due to 11th grade i have to study more but i will try my best to update daily now. plus my vacation will start in a few days

please don't mind my spelling and grammar i am really sorry if it is there

okay then see you in next chapter till then
i purple you all and BTS💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
well then bye
see you
stay safe stay home 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

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