What A Drag

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Shikaku had been suspicious of Shikamaru for a while. He kept a close eye on the child, so he knew something was different. Especially when he came across a scroll that held strange notes. He only found one, it said the Chunin exams, Orochimaru, Sasuke, attack, and fifth Hokage. It was strange, and obviously written to where no one else except for Shikamaru would know.

So yeah, Shikaku was extra wary of Shikamaru, but what really made him afraid, was when he came home drunk. Sakura was having Sasuke, Naruto, and Shikamru leaning on each other and Sakura so they didn't fall down. Sakura was the only sober one.


Knock knock knock

Yoshino opened the door to see a drunk Shikamaru, Sasuke, Naruto, and a pissed Sakura. The three drunks were singing a song.

"What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning!

"Way hay up she rises. Way hay up she rises. Way hay up she rises. Early in the morning!

"Shave his belly with a rusty razor. Shave his belly with a rusty razor. Shave his belly with a rusty razor. Early in the morning!" They sang off key and totally wasted.

"How does the rest go?" Shikamaru asked.

"I dunno. You're the smart one." Naruto said.

"That doesn't mean I wanna be. Make Sasuke the smart one." Shikamaru cried.

"I don't wanna be the smart one! It sounds hard." Sasuke complained.

"Well I don't wanna be it either, and Naruto can't be the smart one." Shikamaru pointed out.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I'm smart, ya know!" Naruto defended.

"Thank you Sakura for bringing him." Yoshino grabbed Shikamaru by the ear and dragged him towards Shikaku.

"Ow, mom! That hurts." Shikamaru complained.

"Look at what Sakura dropped off." Yoshino stopped in front of Shikaku.

"Is that our son? Drunk?" Shikaku couldn't believe his eyes. "Let's put him to sleep and punish him tomorrow. He won't remember anything that happens tonight."

   "Stupid Naruto and Sasuke. They think they're so great because they're best friends. They think they know everything about each other, but I know something about Sasuke that Naruto doesn't." Shikamaru took a seat across from his father. "Do you know what that is?"

    "Please, tell us." Shikaku played along with Shikamaru.

    "Sasuke, had a crush on Naruto. Sure, it was a long time ago, and he moved on to Sakura, but still, Naruto doesn't know everything about Sasuke. Take that." Shikamaru grumbled. He then began to cry.

"Something wrong?" As much as Shikaku knew he should put Shikamaru to bed, he also knew that he wouldn't see drunk Shikamaru for a long time, hopefully anyway. He knew that whatever was going to come out of his son's mouth, was probably going to be humiliating to sober Shikamaru, so, naturally, Shikaku had to hear it.

"It's just so sad."

"What's sad?"

"I made a lot of good memories with them." Shikamaru laid his head on the table and pouted.

"Sounds like fun."

"It was." Shikamaru smiled fondly at the memory of all his friends. "Up until they all... all of them... Ino, Chouji, Sai, Karui, and even... even... Temari... died." Shikamaru had mumbled that last part so quietly before passing out that Shikaku barely heard it. That was the last straw. Something was definitely wrong.

"Where are you going?" Yoshino asked as she saw her husband leaving.

"I need help from Inoichi."


  "Are you sure you want me to do this? He's your son." Inoichi asked Shikaku.

   "He's been too suspicious. He may not be my son. He could be an enemy." Shikaku looked at his passed out drunk son. It hurt to think about, but that boy, might not be his son. His son could be dead or tortured. He wasn't sure which one was worse.

   "What makes you think he's an enemy?" Inoichi trusted Shikaku and knew how smart he was. He was rarely wrong, but this seemed so absurd.

   "He came home drunk. He said Ino, Chouji and a few other names I don't recognize are dead. Something is wrong, and I need your help to figure out what's going on. Imagine this was Ino. Would you not do everything you could to figure out what happened to your child?" Shikaku was making a pretty good point.

"I'll do it." Inoichi took Shikaku into Shikamaru's mind.

   "What a drag. I'm gonna get an earful from Naruto and Sakura, but it's Naruto's fault for getting me that drunk." Shikamaru looked at Inoichi and Shikaku.

   "You were expecting us?" Shikaku asked.

   "Well, yeah. I figured you would find out eventually. It's hard to keep a secret from your father. Especially when he's known for being a genius." Shikamaru said.

   "But you're not actually Shikamaru. You look like you're in your twenties, and Shikamaru is twelve." Because Shikamaru was mentally twenty two, that's what he looked like in his mind.

   "Physically I'm twelve again, but mentally I'm twenty two. You see, me and a few friends travelled back in time. It's troublesome, but necessary. It's hard to believe, so you can look through some of my memories. That's what you came here to do in the first place." Shikamaru yawned.

   And Inoichi did. He looked in Shikamaru's memories to see he was telling the truth with Shikaku.

"So my daughter marries someone from the foundation?" Inoichi asked. He never like the foundation, so he really didn't want his daughter to marry someone from it.

"Ex foundation member. And Sai is a good person. He really loves Ino, and she really loves him." Shikamaru defended Sai. Through the war, he had thought of Sai as a brother. He had grown incredibly close to him up until his death.

   "So, this Temari girl..." Shikaku smirked.

   "A troublesome woman. Regarded as the cruelest shinobi." Shikamaru held a fond yet sad smile.

   "I see the Nara curse still goes on." Shikaku sent Shikamaru an I pity you look.

   "You got that right."


"Rise and shine sleepy head!" Anko yelled and opened the curtains allowing the sun in.

"Owwwww." Naruto cried. "Please don't yell."

"Maybe you shouldn't have gotten drunk." Anko scolded.

"I didn't think it would effect me that much." Naruto groaned.

"Well, it did. Now you have to get up. It's test day." Anko reminded.

"That's right. I'm gonna become a ninja today." Naruto smiled.

"So you better get ready."


I hope you enjoyed that chapter and sorry for the wait.

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