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   Song Title: Nightcore Battlefield

Sasuke arrived just before Iruka did. He knew Iruka was close, so he watched Naruto from a distance. Bad idea. Naruto looked dead. He wasn't moving and looked horrible. He stood there trembling with rage and pain. He had just lost another brother.

   He watched Iruka burst into Naruto's room angrily. He then watched as his anger was replaced by concern. He saw Iruka check for a pulse before sighing with relief. He then saw Naruto move just a tiny bit.

"So you are alive. Dobe, making me worry over nothing." Sasuke ran back to the academy in both annoyance and relief.


"Naruto, what happened? I didn't know you could get sick." Iruka said.

Naruto tried to speak, but it was useless. That twitch he did earlier, was all the movement he could do for a while.

   "You're burning up. What did you do to get yourself this sick?" Iruka was mainly talking to himself.

   'Agh! This is so annoying! I can't speak. I can't talk. I can't do anything! It's driving me nuts!" Naruto thought. He couldn't stand it. His sensei was right in front of him. Back from the dead, but Naruto couldn't even open his eyes to look at the man.

   'It's for the best. You're really sick, if you move or speak too much, you'll only get worse.' Kurama warned.

   'Well, it's a good thing we don't have to worry about that.' Naruto groaned.

   'I know you're being sarcastic, but you're actually right.' Kurama said.

   "I'll take you to the hospital, Naruto. Whatever is wrong, it's really bad." Iruka started to pick up Naruto. He immediately screamed in pain making Iruka put him down. "I'll go get someone from the hospital then. You'll be alright, Naruto."

   'Yeah, right. Like anyone from the hospital is going to help me. I've been there enough times to know that none of them want me alive.' Naruto scoffed. 'But I'm thankful you're at least trying.' Naruto really was grateful. Iruka meant a lot to Naruto. He was heartbroken when Iruka died. Especially because he died protecting Naruto.


"Thank you for coming with me. He's really sick, and I don't know a thing about medical ninjutsu." Iruka admitted.

   "Of course. It's my job to help anyone who is injured. No matter who or where they are. Who is this boy? Is he your son or brother?" The doctor smiled at him.

"We're not related by blood, but I think of him as my little brother. He can be loud, annoying, and rude, but if you give him a chance, he's worth the trouble. Not many people are willing to give him a chance, so he's hated by nearly everyone." Iruka said.

"He must be very special." The doctor said.

"He is." Iruka opened the door to Naruto's apartment. The doctor froze in shock.

"I refuse to help." The doctor stated.

"Why? You said it was your job to help anyone, no matter who or where they are. Why won't you help Naruto?" Iruka argued.

"That's not a person. That's a thing created only for destruction and pain." The doctor looked at Naruto in disgust and hatred. The doctor started to leave.

   "Wait, he's really sick. What if he dies?" Iruka was desperate. He could tell Naruto was barely clinging to life. His chakra was really low.

   "That's what I'm hoping for. That's what we're all hoping for." The doctor left.

   "I'm sorry, Naruto. I'll find someone who'll help you." Iruka began to leave Naruto's side, but Naruto caught his wrist.

   "Don't waste your time. No one will help me. I'll just have to get over this myself." Naruto mumbled.

'Yes! I can talk!' Naruto grinned.

'Let's see how long that lasts.' Kurama snorted. 'You're wasting energy.'

"You shouldn't speak. You're wasting energy."
Iruka said.

"That's what the fur ball said." Naruto passed out.

"Fur ball? He's probably delusional." Iruka sighed. "Just what happened to you, Naruto?"


Naruto was moving slowly. His reaction speed was a fraction of what it usually was. He had gotten poisoned, and it did a lot of damage to him. He was in the middle of battle too. It wasn't a good situation.

   Weapons were flying everywhere. Bodies were dropping like flies. The stench of blood was the only thing anyone could smell. They could even taste it.

He saw Iruka make his way over to Naruto. He wore an evil smirk and was hiding something behind his back. Naruto didn't realize it until it was too late, but it was a white Zetsu.

Naruto tried to avoid the kunai that was about to pierce his heart, but his reaction time was much too slow. It was only inches away from him before his body was pushed out of the way. He looked at his savior to see Iruka.

It was his sensei. One of the first people to accept Naruto. The man who took the role of the father in Naruto's wedding. The man Naruto cared for and deeply admired. He was on the ground. Dying.

   He had a deep slash in his throat. He wasn't able to breath or speak. He couldn't say what he wanted to tell Naruto, but his eyes did the job for him. They told Naruto that he loved him. They held so much pride for Naruto. They held so much emotion.

   "Iruka-sensei! Why did you do that? You didn't have to. You could've lived. I should've died not you." Naruto cried.

   Iruka started tapping in Morse code. They had all learned it to keep the enemy from knowing their plans.

   "I did it for you. They need you more than me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you die. How could I? What person would sit back and let their little brother get killed?"

   "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

   "I chose to do this. It was my choice, so I'm the only one to blame for this. You can pay me back by ending this war and saving everyone."

   Iruka was unable to move. He couldn't breathe. He just suffocated to death. He left behind a scarred and broken Naruto. Naruto cried and screamed out in pain.


   Naruto gasped as he shot up from his bed. He was wide eyed and breathing heavily. He looked around his room confused at where he was at. After a bit he remembered what happened.

He heard the toilet flush and snapped his head to the bathroom. They're faces mirrored each other. They were both shocked, relieved, and very happy.

"Naruto, you're awake! How do you feel?" Iruka rushed over to Naruto's side.

"I-" Naruto threw his arms over Iruka and sobbed into his chest.

"What's wrong?" Iruka sat on Naruto's bed and held him.

   "I- it was just a bad dream." Naruto wiped away his tears.


   That's it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed.

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