The Attack

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First match: Dosu vs. the dude from Karin's team.

Second match: Shino vs. Kankuro.

Third match: Neji vs. Gaara.

Fourth match: Sakura vs. Ino.

Fifth match: Shikamaru vs. Temari.

Sixth match: Naruto vs. Sasuke.

   The first match ended with Dosu as the winner. The second match ended with Shino as the winner. He made Kankuro focus on his termites, so Kankuro didn't even see the ones that sucked out chakra. Gaara won the third match. Neji didn't see the point in fighting when he knew he'd pass the next one. Especially because Gaara could win in a matter of seconds. Sakura won the same way as Gaara. Ino did not want to end up like Kabuto, and Sakura was immune to all the jutsus Ino knew, so she forfeited before the match began.

Once again, the crowd was angry about there not being any fighting. Just like last time, Shikamaru's fight was the fight that made people less agitated. Shikamaru wo , but in a different way. Naruto didn't make the tunnel that helped Shikamaru win, so he had to change it up a bit. The match lasted longer than last time, but he ended up catching her and forfeiting again.

Now it was the final match. The one the entire crowd had been waiting for. Naruto vs. Sasuke.

   "This is going to be a boring fight." Naruto complained. They had to majorly hold back, and it had to be a long fight. A short fight would probably upset everyone in the crowd.

   "Let's just get this over with." Sasuke said.

"Begin!" The proctor said.

They began with light sparring. They held back majorly, and easily blocked the attacks. They occasionally allowed a hit to go through in order to not look suspicious. As time went on, they added jutsus, and upped their game a little.

   Their fight got interrupted by a loud boom. At the same time, the audience got fell under a great genjutsu. This time, Shikamaru didn't act like he was under the genjutsu. Instead, he joined Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, and Gaara outside the stadium.

"We need to split up. There's five places that are being heavily attacked. One of us will go to a location and fight. It shouldn't be a hard fight, so don't use powerful jutsus. If you need to use one, do a transformation jutsu so it won't look suspicious. Sakura, we'll be able to handle the fighting, so go around the village and heal the wounded." Naruto ordered.

"Naruto, I know you want to, but don't-"

"Save old man third? I know. It'll do more harm than good to the timeline." Naruto interrupted Shikamaru who nodded. They all left except for Naruto and Hinata.

   "I'm sorry about lord third." Hinata said. Naruto faced her as he held her hands.

   "It's ok. He's been dead for a long time anyway. The only thing I'm worried about, is you. Just don't die on me again." Naruto lightly squeezed her hands.

"I won't. I promise." Hinata kissed him before running away.

Much to his surprise, Anko appeared next to him. "I go looking all over for my son, and when I find him, he's kissing a girl. A Hyuga at that." Anko shook her head.

"Hey, Hinata's not like the rest of them! She's sweet, caring, funny, smart, powerful, so so strong. One of the strongest people I know. Not just physically. She's mentally strong, too. Not to mention drop dead gorgeous." Naruto could've gone on and on about her, but Anko had heard enough.

   "Seems like you really like her." Anko smirked.

   "Like doesn't even begin to cover it." Naruto said. He then ran off to the fight.

   "Where are you going?" Anko ran side by side with him.

"To the fight. The village is under attack, and I have to defend it." Naruto answered.

"You're heading to a fight that's out of your league. Go to one of the smaller ones. Those fights are just as important."

"I'm stronger than you think, ya know."

"I know you're strong, but- look out!" Anko grabbed Naruto and rolled out of the way of an incoming attack. They stood up ready to fight. Once Naruto saw the attacker, he froze.

   "No... no... what's- this isn't right." Naruto took a step back.

   "Naruto, what is this thing? You know, right?" Based on his reaction, Anko knew she was right.

   "Ze-Zetsu. It's a white Zetsu." Naruto couldn't breathe right. They weren't supposed to be there. This was all wrong.

   "Pull yourself together, Naruto. This isn't the time to fall apart. There's a battle going on." Kurama reminded him.

   "Yeah, you're right, thanks Kurama." Naruto snapped out of his thoughts. He looked around and realized they were surrounded by white Zetsu. They were after him. That's why they were helping with the attack. Naruto made several clones, grabbed Anko, and ran to the top of a building.

   "Naruto, what's going on? How do you know those things?" Anko gave him a stern look.

"Those things are called White Zetsu. They work for the Akatsuki. A group of dangerous criminals collecting the tailed beasts. I have to warn Gaara about this." Naruto was completely serious. Given the situation, he had to be, but Anko never thought she'd see him this serious. He always talked about being Hokage one day, except he already acted like one.

   "How do you know so much about them? Do they have something to do with your nightmares?"

   "We can talk about this later. Those Zetsus are our first priority. We have to lead them away from the village. They're after me, so I'll be the bait." Naruto jumped off the building. He made a bunch of clones. Some to tell those from his time about the change in plan, and others to collect the Zetsu.

   Anko followed Naruto all the way outside the village. He was running faster than she ever saw him run, yet he looked as though he was holding back. He stopped running once he was pretty far away from the village. Then he turned bright yellow. When did he learn that jutsu? What jutsu is that?

She decided to question later, and help kill those Zetsu. More Zetsu kept coming, but Naruto was killing so many so fast, that it wasn't much of a problem. Also, were they turning into trees? It seemed like when Naruto would punch one, it would turn into a tree.

Before long, one of the ninja from the hidden sand was there. He was followed by more Zetsu, and was killing them easily. She was pretty sure his name was Gaara. The youngest child of the Kazekage.

When most of the Zetsu were gone, a man threw some sort of ball at Naruto's feet. He disappeared immediately, and gas was released from the ball. Based on the choking noises, it wasn't a human friendly type of gas. Gaara was able to get him out of there using his sand, but Naruto had already sustained a lot of damage.


After Naruto blacked out in the gas, he woke up in a sewer like place. He saw a giant fox looking at him with relief in it's eyes.

"I see you're finally awake, kit. You've been out for a while. Sasuke's pretty annoyed with you. He had to take your place with helping that Karin girl out." The fox said.

Naruto just looked at the fox with a confused expression before saying, "um... who am I?"


There's another update. I lost the bet btw. Hopefully I'll be able to update more frequently now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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