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I turn to my right and saw that Logan.  A Logan that is healthy and awake.  I smiled and didn't think to hard about it. 

"Are you enjoying this?" Logan asked.  He had no shirt on, shorts that showed his-I will stop.  But I smirked and nodded my head.

"I love it." I kept my smile on my face as I take in everything.  Logan is sitting right next to me and I am talking to him.  "I love you." I whispered.  This might be the only time that I can say this to him and get the response I am hoping for.

Logan looked at me with his sunglasses that where always on his face that is annoying because I can't see his eyes but is also sexy when he looks at me and smiles.  Which is what he is doing when he is walking to me.  Logan put his hands on my arm rest and I looked at him as he lean into a kiss.  I let Logan kiss me.

When Logan pushed away from me, he looked at me and throught about kissing me again but he just smirked. 

"I love you too." Hearing that made my heartbeat faster.  For the first time I wanna just stay in this moment, Logan is alive and healthy, he is kissing me and-

"Miles."  I woke up.  I looked at Zackary that was waiting patiently for me to say something.

"Are we here?" I asked, kinda disappointed that I woke up for that dream.  I got to see Logan alive.  Well he is alive but actally talk to me.

"We didn't want to wake you but yes.  Mister Zimmer said that he needs your signature." I felt a bit if panic rush over me as I heard Austin's last name.  But than I felt angry at Austin.  He could easily take Zackary's or Rebecca.

"Ok." I got out of the limo and realized we are at his father's vacation home.  Well it looks like Austin moved in but still looked just as big.  "Give me the information please."

"We are picking up 80 boxs filled with classified history with this business and I am to read them and learn the history.  Same with you."  Zackary can remember alot, I mean he will probably remember all the history while I am trying to remember what I had for lunch. 

"Why dose Aus-Mister Zimmer need me to sign?"

"He says that he only signs to the person Assistant unless they don't have one but everyone does." Zackary relayed.  I smirked and nodded my head.  We got greeted by 2 of Austin's men that held open the door and we both saw Rebecca and Austin talking. 

"I hope you're father come by one day.  Me and Logan miss him dearly."  Rebecca smiled and Austin smirked while nodding his head.

"I will definitely tell him that." Austin laughed with Rebecca.  They seem like friends that are catching up, I don't like it.  "There they are.  Sorry to wake you Mister Deven."

"It's fine Mister Zimmer." I grabbed the clipboard from him and held out my hand while I waited for a pen.  I did what Logan always told me to do, look through the paper quickly to make sure that I'm not signing myself for anything. 

"How about you guys stay for dinner.  My wife should be home any minute." His wife?  He has a wife!?  Danm, turns out Logan and him aren't much different.  I looked at Zackary and Rebecca that smile at each other.  But Austin finally gives me that pen.

"We would love you too.  We aren't going home until tomorrow." Zackary says with a smile. 

"Oh! Than you guys can take the guest rooms.  You can leave in the morning."  I took a deep breath and gave the clipboard and pen back to Austin. 

"That sounds amazing! Thank you so much Austin." Rebecca smiled and nodded her head. 

"Great, I'll have the rooms ready for you."  I can't believe this is happening.

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now