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Tonight is going to be a long one.  Not only do I have to go to this party without Miles but I have to deal with Luis on top of it, and on top of that, I'm going to have an awkward conversation with my mother sometime tonight. 

"I can't believe we are going to be late because you're dumbass throught it was ok to have sex be-"

"Can we not talk about it right now?"  I cut off my mother.  That was always a bad decision but this time I really don't give a fuck.  I don't want my sex life to be out to everyone.  Even if it's just my parents and siblings.

"Well, I love Miles, don't get me wrong but don't you think it's taking down you're business?  I mean, everyone's keeping an eye on you."

"So what are you saying mother?  I should put my business before my personal relationship?"

"Mom, I think it's time to tell both you and Logan.  I think it's about time to tell you." Zoie butt in.  I looked at her and she had a scared look on her face.  I nodded my head and Zoie was going to go on but Zackary said something first.

"Cassy should be the one to tell him." I looked at the both of them and Shawn, surprisingly, was keeping quite.

"She wanted me to tell him." Zoie said.  I was confused.  "Cassy is 3 months pregnant."



I walked downstairs and went to go get something to drink.  But soon I heard the hotel door slam shut.  Logan had his blazer off and was panicking.

"Logan?  What are you doing-"

"Hold on..." Logan said.  Putting his phone up to his ear.  I looked at him as he walked up to the bedroom.  I looked down and I just waited.  I went outside so I can see the city at night time.  Something is wrong.  I know something is wrong and I'm not sure if Logan is going to tell me. 

I didn't realize how lost in throught I was until I felt Logan's hand slide down my back.  He still looks worried but not in a panic way.  I smiled a little and looked at him.

"I need to tell you something but I'm afraid you will get mad." Logan said.  I looked down and grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.  "Cassy is pregnant." WOW!! Ok.  I was speechless.  Logan let the silence go while I was trying to find words. 

"I...I don't quite understand?" I seemed to mustered out. 

"She's 3 months pregnant.  She hasn't had the best luck with choosing men and she got pregnant.  So no the baby is technically not mine but..." Logan stopped and looked at me.  That makes me feel better.  I took a deep breath and continued to listen to Logan.  "...Cassy has asked me to step in since she is always at work."

"And the biological father doesn't want to help?" I asked.  Logan nodded his head and I took a deep breath.  "What do you want to do?"

"Well, part of me wants to take on this responsibility but another part of me knows that it will just put more stressed on me...I mean raising a kid is a lot of responsibility." Logan explained.  I nodded my head and looked back at the city.  Me and Logan's hands were still holding each other as we stare at the city together for a little bit.  "What do you think of this?"

"Why would that matter?  It's your life.  I can't-"

"It's our life now.  Since the day you told my parents about us, it has been our life." Logan said.  I looked at him and I was shocked.  So not only do I have to voice my opinion but this can end our relationship.  "I don't mean to be pushy but-"

"Well, if you do raise this kid.  I will obviously also be a big part of their life." I explained.  Logan looked at me and took a deep breath before nodding.

"I mean, you're 21, I don't expect you to want to raise this kid." Logan said.  Logan is much older than me.  Logan lived with his youth and got to experience everything.  What the hell can I do if I have to watch a baby?

"And what if I don't want to?" I asked.  Logan looked at me and I started to let go of Logan's hand.  But Logan didn't let me go.  Logan just stood there and looked at me like I just said the worst thing in the world.  "I mean, I see how you treat Mia.  You are fit to be a dad but with me..." I looked at Logan but turn back to the city.

"I also seen how you treat Mia through.  I seen how much she loves you and how good you..." I looked into Logan's eyes and it's like he relized something.  I looked away and I think I know what Logan is thinking. 

"What is your relationship with your parents?"  Logan asked.  I licked my lips and looked down.  I wonder if I will have enough time to jump over this railing before Logan stops me. 

"My parents don't matter." I said. 

"Well, you never talk about them unless I ask you about them."

"I'm not talking about them now." I mumbled.  Logan took a deep breath and made me look at him.

"Back to the issue, I'm not even sure if I'm going to do it." Logan said.  I nodded my head and gave him a smile.  "I love you." Logan kissed me.

"I love you." I said.  I kissed him again and Logan was smiling.  "Do you still remember the first time we kissed?"

"It's a little hazy but I do remember the feeling.  Why do you ask?"

"I don't know.  I just want to make sure you still remember..." Logan smirked and kissed me again, just like the first time we kissed. 

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now