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3 days later

I froze.  I fucked up.

Miles has not been to see me in 3 days and the last words he said to me was "figuring us out".  My fucking brain stopped working and didn't start working until Miles was walking out the door. 

"Are you going to eat?" I looked at Zoie and she was texting on her phone.  She was here for a few hours now but I can't think about anything else but Miles. 

"Has Miles asked about me?" I asked.  She looked at me and took a deep breath.  No one knows what is actually going on except Shawn and Aaron. 

"No.  He has been busy with work.  Dad said that they are having a dinner party this weekend and Miles is in charge of most of it." I took a deep breath and nodded my head.  I hope he isn't working to hard but than again, this might help distant him with my fuck up 3 days ago.

"Ok.  He just has been here for a few days and I'm starting to get worried." 

"Listen, I know you love him and all but -"

"I do not love him."  That was a total lie.  Knowing that he stayed with me for the 4 months I was in the coma made me happy, the fact that he wants to figure out what is happening between us makes me love him even more.  I never ment for this to happen, not one little bit but now that it has, I'm happy it did.

"That was a lie.  Miles will come visit you.  Don't worry." Zoie lend back in her seat and crossed her legs.  Before I could say anything, A man walked into my room.  Well a nurse I should say. 

He was dark, had brown curly hair, he was wearing dark blue surbs and black tennis shoes.  I looked at him and saw that he had a smile on his face.  He has light eyes.

"My name is Alexander, I will be your nurse tonight.  Do you mind if I do your vitals?" Alexander asked.  I smiled and shack my head.  "Who do you have with you today?"

"This is my Twin sister Zoie." Zoie was obviously checking the dude out.  I gave her the 'you got to be kidding me' look.  It's not that I don't want my sister to find love it's just that she doesn't have the best of luck with love.  I either have to pay them to stop staking her or they are complete idiots.

"Nice, Nice.  Do you have any other siblings?" I can tell this nurse is not from this floor.  The way that he is asking me questions.

"2 brothers." I responded, let's be nice today.  Alex looked at me and smirked.

"I see, so your the only girl." Alex stated towards Zoie.  She looked up and smiled. 

"Yes, sadly I am.  But that means I have the brains too." Zoie said with a smirk playing on her lips.  I rolled my eyes and looked at Alex that was also checking out my sister. 

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked.  Let's make this hard for Zoie.  Alex looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, I have 4 older brothers and 2 younger half-sisters." Alex said.  He grabbed my left arm but I pulled away.  Alex looked at me and he smiled.  "Sorry, no one wrote in your chart you don't like being touched there." I was surprised myself, I wouldn't mind but now I do.  I took a deep breath.

"It's ok, it's a new thing." I explained.  I looked at Zoie and she looked worried.

"Ok, I will make sure to put that in your chart.  But it doesn't hurt, no numbness, tingling?" Alex asked.  I shook my head and he gave me a thumbs up.  "Thank you.  If you two need anything please don't hesitate to push the button." Alexander smiled and grabbed the binder and walked out of the room.

"Holy shit he was hot." Zoie whispered to me.  I smiled and shook my head. "Come on, now that I know your gay, you should tell me what you think.  Is Alexander hot?"

"He's cute but I won't date him." I was honest.  I want to date Miles, no one else.  That's one thing I noticed, I stopped checking out men when I first found out I had some type of feelings for Miles.  I stopped going to clubs to check out men, I just started making plans for me and Miles.

"Right because you have Miles." I looked at my sister that had a smirk on her face that looks identical to Mom's. 

"Fine, yes I love Miles but I already fucked it up." That is when she shut up.  I took a deep breath and started to think about Miles.  The wonderful thing that I fucked up.

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now