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2 days later

I was working in my office before Mister Stephen came in and sat on my chair I had for people waiting for Logan when he was here.

"What's wrong?" I asked, still working because Mister Stephen is not like Logan. Stephen wants me to work the whole time I am here. Logan wants me to listen to him when he is talking, weird even after almost 3 months.

"I have never appreciated Logan's work here until today. I mean, I would be doing nothing but checking on my employees but he still has work to do." I smirked. I never heard him talk to highly of Logan and that brings light to my heart.

"Your son does some amazing work here."

"Amazing? Out of this world! I just can't believe it took me this long to release this." Stephen looks kinda guilty. "The day that he got into the accident, I yelled at him about getting a divorce...I said somethings to him that could obviously cause him harm. Has he talked to you about this?"

I shack my head. But quickly replaced it with a 'no sir'

"Well, when he was younger, I was always a little to rough on him. I didn't realize that Logan was trying his best to impress me, to give me something I can be proud of, but all I did was tell him what he did wrong. I have no excuse for the things I said but I feel like when- or if- he wakes up, than I will make sure he know that I am proud of him, that I want him to do great things and have a father that he can say loves him." I stare at Stephen's, he wasn't looking at me but I could tell he is serious about that. "I mean hell, he didn't even tell me about his sexually and even went so far to marry a woman to hide it from me and his mother."

I was trying to process everything. I know that Logan said his childhood was complicated but damn, he has a father that is now just realizing his mistakes when he is almost on his death bed. I smirked and nodded my head.

"Well hopefully, we all get a second chance because I would love to say something to him and get a response." I smiled and got back to work.

"We will get a second chance and we won't mess it up."

The Bosses and I's Differences (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now